Hair Transplant
This article contains a wealth of information on hair transplant surgery, photographic examples of hair transplant results, and practical guidance on how to make the right decisions when considering a hair transplant surgeon. Hair Transplant Surgery – 2022 Hair transplants have become an increasingly popular topic over the past several years as multiple celebrities, sports…
Read MoreThis article contains a complete list and description of every known biotech and med-tech company working on a clinical therapy for hair loss prevention/hair growth from all phases spanning research to late-stage clinical trials in 2024/2025. Over the past several years, the amount of new hair growth related technologies in development have multiplied like never…
Read MoreNew research from Stanford University may have uncovered a new useful application for hair restoration surgery. Stanford Stops The Engrailed-1 Last month in April, a research team from Stanford University headed by Dr. Michael Longaker, published a study on scarless wound healing which captured mainstream attention. The peer-reviewed study titled “Preventing Engrailed-1 activation in fibroblasts yields…
Read MoreHello everyone, Welcome to another edition of Weekly Thoughts. I’ve been looking for some significant info to share with you all and today I came across just that. I expect this news to create quite a positive ripple in the hair enthusiast crowd. Let’s see what’s going on. HairClone Begins Dr. Bessam Farjo tweeted this…
Read MoreI’ve got a good feeling about 2017… For the past several years we have been pacified by the news of a research study or startup company working on a treatment that grows hair. Ultimately, we would prefer the treatment in our hands, but reading about it on a computer screen has been supportive as well.…
Read MoreI had the opportunity to speak with Paul Kemp PhD this week about his new hair growth venture, HairClone. Paul shared a brief presentation with me about the concepts and business plan that HairClone is based upon. I can say I am genuinely impressed, there is evolution here. An experienced medical and business team, elements…
Read MoreHello everyone and welcome to a timely edition of Weekly Thoughts. The news involving Kyocera and Dr. Tsuji in this Weekly Thoughts is perhaps the best development I’ve heard of this year since the original buzz of the Brotzu lotion a few months back. This edition also features a new intriguing company that is developing…
Read MoreHello everyone and welcome to another edition of Weekly Thoughts. We’re now past the halfway point of the year, and quite frankly, I think a lot of people expected there to be more news regarding pivotal clinical trails for some of our favorite hair growth technologies. Nonetheless, the good news continues to pour in and…
Read MoreFor people looking to restore their hair through multiple hair transplants, particularly young people, good donor management is critical to the individual’s successful outcome. Donor hair management is evaluated by three major factors: the person’s age, the person’s degree of hair loss, and the person’s donor availability. These factors will determine what a hair transplant…
Read MoreHello Everybody, Welcome to another edition of Weekly Thoughts. This weeks’s round-up includes new tidbits from Angela Christiano, Brian Urlacher’s hair transplant, Shiseido’s plethora of reseachers, and an Ultimate Guide update. Dr. Christiano Sheds Light on JAK Inhibitors Angela Christiano recently did an audio interview about her research on JAK inhibitors for hair growth. The…
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