RiverTown Therapeutics Inc. Results: Exclusive
I’m very happy to be bringing you all an incredible exclusive on Follicle Thought. This week, David Weinstein, MD, PhD of RiverTown Therapeutics Inc. reached out to me to share some amazing photo results of his new compound RT1640. Below you will find photographs of a 60+ year old woman and a 42 year old man that received the RT1640 treatment. Both of these results came within 4 months of trialing the compound. Very impressive.
Worth a Thousand Words
I knew that if the photographs showed that much hair regrowth, then the result must have been even more impressive in real life. David confirmed this to me when he remarked “both the man and the woman are ecstatic with their results.” I believe it.
With landmark results like these I also knew the interest in RT1640 would be sky-high. To give you a greater picture of what’s going on at RiverTown Therapeutics Inc. I asked David to answer a few questions for the article. This is a brief interview, but all of the information is there and you will be surprised by what you read probably more than once.

David Weinstein MD, PhD
Interview with
David Weinstein MD PhD
FT: Can you tell us about your background in biotechnology and what lead you to hair growth research?
DW: RiverTown Therapeutics Inc. is my third biotech start-up. I enjoy building things. This includes building companies and building therapeutics. My other companies have been in the area of neurology and neuro-regeneration, which is in keeping with my professional training. I came to hair regeneration through a combination of curiosity and vanity. I lost a good deal of my hair precipitously and didn’t care for how I looked. My attitude when confronted with a problem is to think about the cause and the ways to address the problem. I needed to learn about hair, and especially about androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness). I spent a day or so with my good friend, PubMed. The take-home message was that AGA was simple, but hair regeneration was a complex problem that like effective cancer therapies, was likely to require targeting multiple pathways. These pathways included expanding follicular stem cell pools, promoting their migration from the bulge to the follicle, driving their differentiation into the growing hair shaft and supporting the mature hair.
FT: How did you discover this combination of three agents?
DW: I remembered from my clinical training seeing kids treated with minoxidil- they had hair everywhere. The same was true of people treated with cyclosporine A- they too were hyper-hirsute. A review of the literature suggested that in spite of the exaggerated hair growth in patients taking theses drugs by mouth, minoxidil didn’t do much when applied topically to the scalp in AGA, and cyclosporine A did less. The two together had neither additive nor synergistic effects. Taking them orally was out of the question, as these are serious drugs with serious side effects. In addition to CSA and minoxidil the third drug is one I had created as a New Chemical Entity (NCE) several years ago, called RT175. Among other things, RT175 promoted the recruitment and differentiation of follicular stem cells. The three agents act on distinct pathways in hair regeneration and together, they synergize to promote the growth and maintenance of hair in men and women with androgenic alopecia. They also reanimate dormant melanocytic progenitor cells. These are the cells that add color to the hair. When the hair grows back with RT1640 treatment, it is the color that you had before it turned gray and fell out.
FT: Please tell us where RT1640 is right now in terms of the clinical trial process and what the next step is for it?
DW: We are currently raising funds to pay for a Phase 1B/2A study, and NIH document submission. We have established in a small number of people that RT1640 works: 100% of the people that have used it have had satisfactory growth and a significant percentage have had complete hair regeneration. As soon as we have the required funds, we will push forward. To that end, we are seeking interested strategic and venture partners.
Thank you very much for taking the time, David.
Wow. It’s clear RiverTown Therapeutics Inc. has a potential goldmine on its hands. Venture capitalists take note. Hair enthusiasts rejoice.
Great! So happy to see things moving on. Just sucks about how long we have to wait.. Hopefully Brotzu and even kelopesia (doubtful) come out soon enough for maintenance until some new treatment like this comes out!
Bravo admin! Another great news. If you get a chance to interview RT again I hope you can ask for before after photos of hairlines instead of crowns. As you know this is the biggest concern for many men suffering from mpb. Thanks.
Amazing regrowth! Excellent post admin! One question the guy looks to have darker hair in the before picture than in the after picture. Looks lighter brown in after picture?
Great news! how they are going to use it topically or orally, and does it work for slic bald area?
It is topical and from the pictures, seems to work that way, yes.
If it’s topical does that mean it won’t be permanent? Thanks.
I’m not sure but hope to get some follow up on that for you soon.
Thank you for the reply….fingers crossed and looking forward to an update when you can. Thanks for all your hard work and for sharing.
Sir according to you which is the best upcoming treatment for hairloss between REPLICEL and RIKEN
great work admin, but why no hairline pics, if it works on hairline they have the most benefits of sending pics …
I want this treatment! Great job! When it will be available? Thanks Joseph.
Great post admin!!
How often do they have to take the drug, and is it something that needs to be applied forever?
Also, have they considered crowd funding?
Great work Joseph! Agree that it would be nice to know the targeted timeline until commercial release and confirmation that it works on hairlines/entire scalp.
they should trial it somewhere else too like Mexico, Japan, etc .. the sooner this drug gets out after all the safety and efficacy has been established and i think it can all be done in 1 or 2 trials.. the better.. waiting for the FDA will take ages.. but then again this is just my take..
Good job joe!…I was optimistic until I saw it included minoxidil.
Isn’t it kinda weird the before photos have the flash turned on and after no flash tho? They still seem the have alot of improvement but that detail is like bugging me.
the flash was the same setting for both sets of photos. I think what you are commenting on is the reflection off the skin, rather than hair. In any case, ALL photos are taken with the same settings
David, what is RiverTown’s projected timeline until a commercial/medical product is released to the general public?
Nice job admin, but (yes) when is this product available for the bald(ing) consument. 2016 has given us many possible haircure products, but (yes) so far there is no light in the tunnel. But (yes) thx admin for your affords to inform us.
One less thing to worry about. ????
@baldsand: We all know that we have a new treatment for Androgenetic Alopecia before 2018! 🙂
please let these be for real
It is.
Thank you, my daughter is suffering so much, unable to let the wind blow in her hair, swim, get caught in the rain. It is so hard when you are a female and in your 20’s and suffer with balding. Thanks for giving us hope!
Hello, This does sound interesting. Dr. Weinstein, if you need another volunteer for your trial. I’m balding and I’m available.
Yes, When? We need a new treatment.
David it is great news.I hope it works for men & women and young & old.I would like to know will the product be available next year?
How long will the clinical trials take?
Doesn’t appear to be much interest or information about this on the internet,even after those photos were released.
People are probably skeptical after waiting all these years and still no solution to the baldness problem.
I get what you’re saying. I’m glad I don’t rely on others to decide where I put my interest.
Where is your interest?
Do you think Rivertown is going to happen?
Thank you for asking, I appreciate your comments here.
I think it should and it will happen. It’s a topical formula that has already completed a phase 1 clinical trial and it has shown the capacity to grow hair even in bald areas. This deserves attention. In time I believe more photos and additional definitive results will be revealed.
I will be following up on these photos in the next Weekly Thoughts.
Best regards,
.Once people get used to being bald it hardly matters then! It’s good mindfulness though.
Anything new since the last round of updates?
Things have been quiet for a few weeks. Thanks!!
Yes I’m really optimistic,RT1640 seems Like in comparison to other on the table treatments or possiple hair loss cures is getting much better results,not far now for final testing and then available to the general public,keep the faith.
Can I please try it ?
Hello. Would love to be a candidate for trails too. I have AA. Had it for 24 years.
Is it to be applied once a day?, is the effect sustained?
RTT’s findings and treatments are a very hopeful development for what is seemingly a hopeless and intractable condition. Cosmetic? Yes, but the source of a lot of “silent suffering” in the individuals affected, most of whom are in what should be the best and prime years of their lives.
Bravo, Dr. Weinstein, Follicle Thought, and the people of RTT! Wishing you all much success and nothing but good things!
One other question. Is RiverTown Therapeutics a privately held company or is it an exchange-listed corporation?
Thanks for the kind words, Gene. RiverTown is currently still a private company.
This is the most promising therapy news I have read in in some years.
Thanks for the feedback Don!
I would like to be a volunteer for your trial
Would this work on Alopecia Areata patients? How does it affect the autoimmune disease…? My 16-year-old daughter has had AA for 8 years, and is going bald now. Desperately looking for solution…
Admin, I reached out to River town. I asked if their product would be safe to use on other body hair such as eyebrows, beard, chest to reverse achromotrichia (gray hair).
Their response –
Thank you for reaching out and for your interest in RT1640. We have re-formulated RT1640 so it can be applied to eyebrows and beards. We have seen complete reversal of grey hair. Once we have completed our phase 2 we will have a much clearer timeline for release. We will be updating our website with all pertinent information.
Figured I would pass along the info.
any updates on River Town? Their website hasnt updated.
Hey Mike, someone else was just asking if this treatment would be needed to constantly applied to maintain results and I’m working to follow up on that. Responses usually always come, but they take time. I hope to get back to you within 2 weeks.
No updates yet? Hope they are still pursuing this.
Any updates on this?
i guess no more updates??
Not yet, hopefully soon.
Seems great
Dominick. So what’s the latest on RT1640. Going into the new year
Any update on this compound and whether or not it is continuing its trials? If it is, any ETA for when it may be commercially available? I’m in my early 30’s with thinning hair, and would love to have a chance to stop or even grow back what I’ve lost. Appreciate any info on the status of this compound!
Hi Dan, please check out our Updates page and even consider bookmarking it to check on a daily basis https://folliclethought.com/updates/ I had an important update on RiverTown a few months ago, you can simply scroll down to find it. Incidentally, RiverTown has shut down its operations.
[…] a 2019 interview Dr. Weinstein did with Follicle Thought, he claimed 100% of patients “have had satisfactory growth and a significant percentage have […]