Stemson Therapeutics New Website
Stemson Therapeutics, a biotech company working on a cure to create unlimited hair growth, issued an important press release about its research and the launching of its website on June 26, 2019.
The company is based in La Jolla, California and was founded by Sanford Burnham Prebys researcher Dr. Alexey Terskikh and Geoff Hamilton in 2018. Stemson Therapeutics remains a “spin out” of Sanford Burnham Prebys and its mission is to create hair-inducing dermal papilla cells using iPSC (induced pluripotent stem cells) to treat human hair loss disorders.
ISSCR 2019 Presentation
A team member of Stemson Therapeutics, Antonella Pinto PhD, gave a presentation today at the International Society For Stem Cell Research’s 2019 Annual Meeting.
During the presentation, Pinto relayed information on Stemson’s creation of a 3D biodegradable scaffold made from the same material as dissolvable stitches. The scaffold acts as the growing environment for the multiplied dermal papilla cells. It also controls the direction of the hair growth and helps the stem cells integrate into the skin. The current model of this scaffold contains mouse epithelial cells along with human dermal papilla cells, however the task of upgrading this protocol to using “human only” cells is underway at the Terskikh lab.

Token Image of Hair Follicles Growing On Nude Mice
Never Before Seen Approach
Here’s the big part.
The press release mentions that once the protocol is sorted out and human epithelial cells + dermal papilla cells are combined to create a hair-inducing cell mixture, they would be capable of allogenic transplantation into humans. That means coming from a source outside of the person receiving the hair-inducing cell mixture. In other words, a person may be able to one day go to a hair clinic and receive transplantation of unlimited of hair-inducing cells which were already created in the lab without harvesting the patient’s own cells.
In a tiny bit of contrast the Stemson website (see below) highlights using a patient’s own cells to begin the process of hair multiplication and mentions at the bottom of the page that there is “potential” for an allogeneic approach. It appears that Stemson is “banking on” (no pun intended) being able to definitely use a patient’s own cells and is also hopeful for the potential of an allogeneic procedure in the future. What makes all of this somewhat irrelevant is the fact that Stemson only needs to do a blood draw to receive all of the cells it needs from a patient! Allogeneic or not, it would be a laugh, as they say in London. Human blood cells would be converted into iPSCs which would then be converted into human dermal papilla and epithelial cells.
Dr. Alexey Terskikh had this to say of the presentation made today:
“Our new protocol described today overcomes key technological challenges that kept our discovery from real-world use,”
“Now we have a robust, highly controlled method for generating natural-looking hair that grows through the skin using an unlimited source of human iPSC-derived dermal papilla cells. This is a critical breakthrough in the development of cell-based hair-loss therapies and the regenerative medicine field.”
Better Together
The Stemson website has a nice Team page displaying all of the advisors and industry partners which are involved in the project. Of notable interest and familiar faces, Dr. Michael Rendl of Mount Sinai University who runs his own lab solely focused on hair follicle research is on the Scientific and Medical Advisory Board. Also, pharmaceutical aesthetic giant Allergan (who recently got bought by AbbVie) is listed as an industry partner. The southern California connection never fails. A 3D printing company UpNano is also listed as a key collaborator with Stemson.
Incredible News
This is a major stepping stone for the entire industry today. I think we all can agree this news feels really good. It’s actually been an unreal week in hair follicle multiplication research. Please enjoy browsing the new Stemson Therapeutics website and the press release from Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institue.
Which company do you guys think is furthest along in regards to hair multiplication? Let me know what you guys think about Stemson in the comments below and thank you very much for citing this article when sharing the good news!
Sounds good but honestly I’m tired of these non-stop different companies talking big and showing almost nothing. I want to see a fully bald guy regain a full head of hair. The more companies that are working on this and having no significant results to show almost makes me lose hope, if anything.
Interesting perspective, I wonder what others think.
I agree, these companies are meandering around because there is nobody out there with a product that works. If somebody were to “land on the moon” and launch a product that works you would see a bunch of companies step up their efforts and hair loss would be a thing of the past.
If you want a hair loss cure… pray to god that Shiseido announces good results in July and launches RCH-01 in 2019.
Truthfully, nothing else in the hair loss industry matters. Right now RCH-01 is the landscape.
Right with yah brother. Now vs a year or two from now is a different story and I’d rather focus on the former.
Although, it is cool to see all these companies picking up. Kind of the same thing that happened with Invisalign several years back – smile direct, “candid” and a few more followed and the industry picked up. Same thing happened with cord blood stem cells. Past several years a bunch of clinics have started offering exosomes and umbilical chord stem cells for hair loss. (Compared to Acell)
Around this time last year, a bunch of updates came out as well and there was an article writttem called “a truly great week in Hair” where a bunch of updates came out including a Tsuji update. Same thing seems to be happening now. Let’s sit tight for the first few weeks in July. I think a lot of info will keep coming out.
You know what, I agree to a certain extent. It seems you guys are not interested in discussing things besides companies/products that really matter. I’m with you, the thing is I’ve always tried to stick with news topics that pertained to an imminent cure. I’m glad you guys want to talk about this too. However I do say that this bit of news is noteworthy. Allergan is involved.
But, because of your suggestion I feel there is a need to discuss the upcoming treatments which are right at the brink and I’m going to create a section for this. Thanks Tyler
I think this would be a good addition but I GREATLY APPRECIATE ALL THE UPDATES, admin! Because at one point all the “cures” were starting out too and anything can happen or news can be released at any time so I think your updates and analyses are vital. Please keep them up!
This would be amazing especially for people who are intolerable to minoxidil or non- responders. I have high hopes and fingers crosses for this one. Please keep us posted. Updates for all new products and prototypes are very much appreciated.
Come on, stop teasing us.
Alright. The intention is to share hope for what is down the road.
It’s my understanding that NGF is only meant for women. Is that not the case? I would love to add it if it is stronger than minoxidil.
Hi Tyler, I emailed Lee Buckler (Ceo of replicel) recently and got a reply. He said “We have no way of predicting when RCH01 will be ready to submit to regulators for approval to market or how much it will cost at this point.”
That was his response I got yesterday. Don’t rely on this becoming available this year. Maybe in “another five years” lol
Lee buckler doesn’t even know where shiseido is at with RCH-01, as they’re no longer working with him. He even tried to get his twitter followers to go to WCHR2019 to get an update from Shiseido, so he’s not even in the loop. Great that he replied but I don’t think his word means much at this point. I contacted Shiseido personally through text and they said that they’re not even working with Replicel anymore as they botched the trial in Europe and cost them another year!
@Tyler , tnanks for your mention about RCH-01. I googled and read the information. Their regenerative approach is amazing. And it’s so cool they work on other regenerative products, finally medicine is going to be regenerative.
I think RCDG423 or UK5099 can be helpful too. But I am not sure it can help for AGA.
@valevty what do you think RCD423 and UK5099 can be useful for?
@Follicle Thought could launch growing phase of hair. So people who are older could have better hair.
Was this the big secret you were hiding? 😛
Nope! There’s more coming ?
I’m a bit confused by this comment. Is this from the article? Does this mean someone is denying feasibility of the research proposal?
“Allogeneic or not, it’s a laugh, as they say in London. Human blood cells would be converted into iPSCs which would then be converted into human dermal papilla and epithelial cells.”
The British phrase “a luaugh” means “it would be an enjoyable/easy experience” So as to say, even if you had to draw your blood to get hair follicles it’d be much easier than having to get hair follicles extracted from your scalp. I made slight change in the wording to help clarify, thanks.
If I understand this correctly, stemson therapeutics will give us unlimited amount of hair to “transplant”?
I guess getting a transplant done every few years is still better than nothing.
Firstly thanks for all the hard work you do.
There are obviously two definite tracks here. Those that need replacement hair and those who can accept rejuvenation or the possibility of rejuvenation if there is still an hair root that could be saved.
So it is much more time sensitive for the second group.
I am part of the first group and appreciate any information, especially a procedure that can create hair that can be transplanted.
Complications arise as to which company and process will be the best one we will choose.
But lets be real, the fantastic thing is we are being presented with options that thirty years ago, when my baldness first started to become obvious, just was’nt available.
Certainly not yet “ready for prime time,” but this innovative technology seems promising to me–it’s a clear demonstration that Stemson’s patented iPSC–>Dermal Papilla Cell–>Hair Follicle can work to make a hair follicle and hair shaft that can be directed out of the skin. If you remember, the last major iteration (c. 2015?) was a bunch of disorganized follicles under the skin. This is a major step forward in controlling the follicular neogenesis. Sincerely, Alan Bauman MD
Dr. Bauman, what upcoming hair loss treatment are you most confident in? Shiseido / Replicel, Tsuji-Riken, or even this one?
what about this isn’t ready for prime time other than they don’t have their go to market plan or infrastructure in place to go to market?
I’m not sure if he’s going to see this to respond. However, I think he meant it’s not quite ready for prime time because they still have some work to do to get this into clinical trials and then have it become market ready for consumers.
Problem with those treatments is that transplanted hairs don’t look so natural, as any transplantation. I’m more into something less invasive like Histogen, which will regrow hair from inside your scalp, thus natural frontal hairlines and temples. Plus the it will cost more bc of the transplantation procedure, whereeas Histogen procedure is more like a mesotherapy. What do you think ?
I agree that a drug or injectable treatment like Histogen to sprout native hairs is more ideal. The only question then becomes, is multiple injections at the hairline enough to regrow a dense hairline? In the past I’ve thought not
We shall see with Shiseido in a few weeks. That should either spark or diminish interest in injectables.
It is great to see so many companies working on a solution to hair loss and thanks to our wonderful Admin for bringing us all this news. As hopeful as I am, I often wonder whether I will see a “real” solution in my lifetime. A “real” solution defined as not just maintaining what’s left or growing a few extra hairs, but being able to grow a full head of hair on a bald scalp. That would be amazing.
Reading many companies in phase 1 or 2 in clinical trials, does anyone know realistically how long it takes to get to market once phase two is completed? Is it about two more years from that point?
Depends if it’s phase 2a or b. From phase 2a, if everything went perfectly afterwards you’re looking at about 3.5 years. However things do not typically go perfectly unfortunately.
Dear Admin! I hope some day I will hear the real news about hair regeneration from your website.
Also, all your updates mean a lot to me.
However, sometimes I think may be some day it becomes evident that all the efforts to hair regeneration are scientifically impossible. Exactly similar to ancient time when people were trying to convert copper to gold!
FT, I’m going to do something I haven’t done on this site and that is shoot from the hip. My comments are by no means a reflection of your work which as always is impeccable. However, with out doubt any country besides Japan are minimum 20 years away from any hair loss cure. Why? Japan have the legislation in place and are a rapidly decreasing population that needs stem cell regenerative medicine to work to keep their existing population going. So for them it isn’t about profits it’s about preservation. This might not be what people want to hear but hair cloning (Dr Tsuji) is nothing more than a stepping stone to cloning more significant organs such as the liver. The UK is the next best placed due to the more relaxed laws around stem cell therapy but there is clearly not the appetite other than Hairclone to do something in this area in the UK. When a company puts the face of the office pretty girl to the presentation it immediately lacks credibility in my eyes. This woman isn’t even on the ‘our team’ section of their site. These companies/research teams are nothing more than glorified proof of concept companies/research teams looking for a sugar daddy to buy their concept. If you take Dr Christiano who everybody on hair loss forums goes nuts about, she creates a theory around JAK inhibitors, sells it to Aclaris and then very quickly after this sets up Rapunzel with a brand new theory. If another company offers her a shed load of cash she will sell that and create another theory. These companies/research teams don’t have the means or intention of seeing their research through to a market release. 3D scaffolding is a concept already being used by other companies and the prospect of taking stem cells from one human to create hair follicles to put into another is utter nonsense. This is light years away and should not even be mentioned at this time. The only reason it is is to create false hype. I have seen research around taking stem cells from a sibling to potentially treat Alopecia Areata but from a completely unrelated person is nonsense. This is not about being negative or positive or even medically qualified to comment, it’s about being realistic. I applaud you FT for bringing these companies to our attention because I think it actually highlights how unrealistic a hair loss cure is. If Dr Tsuji does not come to fruition the prospect of turning a norwood 7 into a norwood 1 for people around my age (37) we may never live to see it unless someone stumbles across something. At best treatments that are slightly better than minoxidil await those whose have some hair to improve. I’m sorry for the rant but it is just my opinion.
I feel it Welsh. I think the people waiting for the cure actually play a significant role in the process and comments like yours are actually a positive step. 1) It shows you care 2) It shows you are tuned into what actually makes sense for real hair loss cures now and are not dreaming away about insignificant research.
The question is, what can people do to help create a cure for hair loss? Anything?
You asked what we can do? Be more vocal and actually help these companies financially (if possible).
Voice our concerns how? Write to reps/companies for laxer rules/regulations. Funding to help them get to the next level and be given preferential offerings. Or even be given trials to help with the process.
I think being able to express there is demand and willingness to pay for a hair loss solution would play a big role, as many pharma decisions and probably allocation of spending are based on total addressable market.
In terms of funding for research, I feel if a company had sound research to back up their claims, angel investors or VCs would be very willing to back the companies they think have a good chance of finding a solution. That said, the companies requesting funding from individuals seem to be a long shot in my view, because it means they are not able to sell their idea to investors.
As you see the manager no one is looking at the company or developments anymore. he no longer believes in 3 or 5 years of bragging. please don’t make any more news at this or this stage. Same news for 20 years. I respect you. Thank you for trying hard but people don’t believe anymore if there is no result. we don’t believe so much that people will not try for a few years even if they really end baldness. because they’re gonna want to see if it really works.
It seems like it’s time for a company to truly emerge with something worthwhile doesn’t it Kibar? I hope so too.
It must come now. I hope it comes
if a cure comes out then they loose a job do they really want a cure or do they only want a job …
Dwain, I hear ya on being skeptical of pharma companies and the waiting through all these clinical trials does not help. I would think if they think they are able to find a cure, very likely they would follow through with it, because the market for hair loss is big, so whichever company finds a “real” solution first will make a lot of money.
My concern is they may not believe they can find a cure so they are really only working with the end goal of a “bandaid” by slowing down loss or helping to sprout a few extra hairs, but not really making any meaningful difference for the individual. For this, we would be charged a recurring cost for maintaining and with the possibilities of long term side effects to our health. That in my opinion is not worth the risk to my health and the cost for little benefit, so It’s not something I could get excited about and I hope the companies are reading this.
Given all this, I do still enjoy hearing about what companies are doing in this space, but now understanding how long it takes to get a drug to market is disappointing and also not knowing what the long term side effects might be is a concern.
Admin, this is a bit irrelevant but I’m thinking about going on topical fin – 7% minox, 1% fin, would you recommend? Would you recommend a different dosage? I fear the side effects. Anyone else with experience on this? Thx.
Hi Greg, I’ve just added a new forum to the site I think your question would be a good start for it. Please visit the new forum and let me know if you are able to register and post your question.
Right off the bat I can say I don’t have personal experience of fin and the potential of side effects always kept me away from it. I know some people do use the drug with no problem. Perhaps some other readers have experience with topical fin?
Thanks admin, but the link you gave me just says “nothing found”.
Also, if anyone on here has experience with Topical Finasteride I’d love to here about it.
Thanks for the feedback Greg. The forum is a new section I just integrated and I’m trying to understand why it’s not working for you guys.
I just checked on another computer and the forum seems to be working fine. You have to 1)Register and then 2)Add topic.
Then you are able to add your own topics and post comments in the forum.
Hi Greg, I tried to post in the forum but the section on drugs doesn’t seem to be up yet. Am a 58 year old male, have been gradually losing my hair for 35 years and am fast running out of road. I started on the 2% Fin two years ago. Apart from some odd feelings in testicles from time to time I have had no sides, apart from mild depression which may be unrelated. It has not worked for me. Have considered Dut but am more worried by sides with that. Fin only stays in the body for 48 hours max, so if you have sides it is easier to stop. Dut lasts around a week. Have also tried 15% minoxidil and have been on Trinov for last six months. Nothing slows down the loss. I am now focused on some sort of cloning or cell therapy. If Tsuji comes up trumps I may even go to Japan for treatment. Worth trying anything you can (though doubt I will risk Dut). The problem is when to know it is not working and stop. Best wishes and good luck. Alan
Thanks for the insight, Alan. Finasteride is a hormone shifter so those weird feelings are probably caused by that. I’m just wondering if it’s worth going on any of these drugs (only topicals) with these new treatments coming out soon. I’m with you on Tsuji or Shiseido or whoever gets it first. I’ll go to Japan and spend whatever it costs. Thanks for the insight and I hope we can all get off finasteride soon.
I saw this article.Is it the same as the one that you published?
Yes, same company.
Admin, a new article about Terskikh came out yesterday. Have you covered this already or is this new stuff?
My bad, Amdin. That article is LITERALLY this post.
But all they need is a human trial now, right? So they’re technic on the same page as Tsuji?
Admin, you think this company will be able to utilize DP cells to DHT-proofize your existing hair? Kind of like Shiseido’s method?
No, I think HairClone would be trying something like that. Stemson is going to be creating new follicles to grow brand new hair follicles.
I am close to suicide. Hair loss have ruined my life, robbed me of any joy and is foremost in my thoughts at all times. It is no different than disfigurement. I honestly can’t hold on any longer.
Hang in there bud, you never know if a hair cloning procedure could come out of the woodwork in a country like England for example.
Dont do it mate, there are a million things you can do that fill your life with joy.
There are so many women that do not exclude you as a partner only because you are balding/bald.
Also, it would be a pretty stupid moment to kill yourself…, humanity never was so close to a cure coming from multiple avenues.
The cure of hairloss is on the horizon. Save some Money each month and youll be able to afford it. I got DUPA for example, it will be way harder for me than for 95% of balding people, to get my hair back. (but even for DUPA guys theres hope…)
You gotta change your thinking, and change as a person, otherwise youll stay in your spiral of death.
Ill probably shave my head in a year or so, it wont be the end of the world. I expect it to be a quite liberating thing to do Make sure you show people you got other qualities and rest assured that there is more to life than freaking keratin on your scalp.
(There will be a cure, I am a medical student and get to witness medical breakthroughs on a daily basis, the future is bright !!!)
@Jake As someone in the medical field, what do you think is the most promising treatment for hair loss on the horizon? And what other breakthroughs have you overseen? (Just curios. Don’t have to disclose anything if it’s confidential)
Beyond Hope, please do not take your life. Just hang in there. I’m sure life sucks at the moment but you have to know that it’s not possible for someone to keep losing in life. Undoubtly, you will win some day. Take care.
I am with you. I know how you feel. I feel that was every day.
I’m a 28 year old woman recently diagnosed with lichen planopilaris. It’s heartbreaking for me and stem cells seem like the only glimmer of hope I have towards getting my hair back. It’s so hard to stay positive that a treatment will come out in the near future. I don’t understand why there isn’t one already or why it seems to have taken so long to get to where the progress is now.
i too loosing hair was going to shave it all off and get tattoos on my head .i must say my lack confidance i don’t want to take my hat off i never go out any more stay home and hide i bet I’m not the only one anyway i hope a cure comes out lets see…
Hey @dwain. I feel with you bro – but this attitude will not bring you anywhere! Here’s my advice from experience: Do sports, go to the gym regularly and eat healthy food. This will build up your confidence. And maybe in few years a cure will be coming.