Hair Follicle Organoid Culturing

Kangstem Biotech

January 19, 2024 /

Another Korean company has emerged with an exciting and potentially world-first approach to developing new hair loss therapies using hair follicle organoids. Kangstem Biotech Kangstem Biotech was established in 2010 and has several stem cell therapies in the pipeline for atopic dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis. Recently, Kangstem Biotech announced an expansion into hair loss…

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Koehler Lab Seeks Partners For Hair Cloning Technology

June 18, 2020 /

Koehler Lab Identifies Partner To Move Technology Forward: Update (7/7/21) About one year after this article was originally published, I have received a noteworthy update to share from Dr. Karl Koehler. Most importantly, as you read in the heading, an undisclosed company has stepped up to the plate to further Koehler’s research towards the clinic.…

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