Cures For Hair Loss 2023 - News Feed
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GT20029 Phase 2 China Trial Completes Male Patient Enrollment
The Kintor trial train keeps moving along. While we were once mesmerized by the thought of two AGA pipeline drugs moving to regulatory approval, expectations around pyrilutamide have likely decreased slightly, yet, hopes are still high for GT20029. In late August 2023, Kintor announced the completion of patient enrollment in its phase 2 trial for male AGA in China. This means, after the latest patients complete dosing, the trial will likely wrap up around the end of November.
Kintor officials say top line data is expected in Q1 2024. This will be our first look at GT20029's efficacy, which will be a meaningful and pivotal moment in the drug's development.
Verteporfin FUT Hair Transplant Scar Study With Dr. Bloxham
A new documentation of a hair transplant surgeon studying the YAP inhibiting drug verteporfin in hair transplant surgery has been published on the front page. Dr. Blake Bloxham of New York has followed in the footsteps of Dr. Barghouthi in testing the application of verteporfin to the wounded scalp areas following hair transplant surgery. This work is being done to test the capacity for verteporfin to create scarless wound healing, and potentially, hair follicle regeneration in the donor extraction area.
Importantly, in the latest studies by Dr. Bloxham, verteporfin is being tested on FUT hair transplant wounds for the first time. Previously, verteporfin was only tested in microscopic FUE extraction wounds. An important update from Dr. Bloxham regarding the healing process of the FUT wounds can be expected around the end of September/early October. Follow the main article for further details.
StimuSIL Hair Growth Device Trial Listed On ClinicalTrials.Gov
Recently, you may have read about the newcomer device company, StimuSIL, on Follicle Thought. StimuSIL has created an innovation upon LLLT therapy with the hopes to create a treatment which is not only utilized, but respected, in the hair growth world. The first step in achieving that goal is to run a successful human clinical trial, which StimuSIL has embarked upon. A new listing on ClinicalTrials.gov reveals previously unknown details about the company's device.
New information about the StimuSIL SAGA device and trial format:
- Two device versions, SAGA-001 (A) and SAGA-001 (B) are being trialed.
- 38 adult males with androgenetic alopecia comprise the testing pool.
- Patients will receive 8 treatments over the course of 4 months (bi-weekly treatment).
- Primary outcome is the measured change in terminal hair density.
Carmell Therapeutics PRP Without Blood Draw
Earlier this week, Follicle Thought formally introduced a company developing an off the shelf version of platelet rich plasma for hair growth injections. Carmell Therapeutics is based in Pennslyvania, US and is planning to enter a large animal preclinical trial within the next several months. A clinical trial could follow shortly thereafter. Check the full Article for more information.
Another Drug Approved For Alopecia Areata: Litfulo Ritlecitinib
In June 2023, the US FDA approved its second oral drug against alopecia areata, ritlecitinib. This kinase inhibitor blocks JAK 3 and tyrosine kinase which creates a therapeutic effect on auto-immune disorders. The drug will be branded as Litfulo and is intended to treat severe alopecia areata in people above the age of 12. Eli Lilly's Olumiant, which became the first approved oral drug for AA back in June 2022, is only approved for adults.
Kintor KX-826 Pyrtilutamide Phase 3 Trial Approval Delayed?
On July 19, 2023, Kintor Pharmaceutical announced the first patient enrollment in a new long-term safety phase III trial of KX-826 in AGA in China. Note, this is in addition to the phase 3 trial for male AGA which began in January 2022 in China. The new phase 3 trial will evaluate the long-term safety and efficacy of KX-826 in males and females over the course of a 52 week dosing period and will include 270 subjects. It may be the case that the Chinese regulatory agency requested that Kintor complete a longer phase 3 trial than the original 24 week trial which began last year. At this time, it appears that the potential approval timeline for KX-826/pyrilutamide may be pushed back until the completion of the latest safety phase 3 trial.
Mallia Therapeutics Raises Funds For CD83 Hair Growth Therapy
Head to the Articles page to read the new writeup on Mallia Therapeutics' latest developments for soluble CD83 (sCD83). Mallia Therapeutics (formerly MalliaBiotech) have also unveiled a new website which is linked in the article.
Life Code WCD2023 Poster
Life Code, a company participating in the World Congress of Dermatology Singapore 2023, recently shared a poster displaying hair growth data with Follicle Thought. The company uses an artificial intelligence drug discovery platform called PetaPoly to find new molecules for various biological conditions. Life Code found a molecule called LCH34 for hair growth purposes. Check the main Articles page to view Life Code's poster.
Amplifica Announces New Compound AMP-303
Amplifica has been very active in the first half of 2023. They announced the addition of SCUBE 3 (AMP-601) to their pipeline back in January, and announced osteopontin (AMP-203) in June as another compound discovered from Maksim Plikus' research into hairy moles and hair growth. Now, just a week after the AMP-203 announcement, Amplifica has issued a press release for the initiation of a clinical trial for new mystery compound AMP-303. The front page and Articles page has the full Amplifica story.
StimuSIL: Injecting Laser Therapy Subdermally
StimuSIL is medical device startup based in Europe which has developed a patented, proprietary technology which allows laser therapy to reach beneath the skin's surface. The company intends to stimulate hair follicles beneath the melanin layer with laser light and through other means to achieve improved results. Recently, StimuSIL has initiated a multi-center clinical trial to gauge the efficacy of their device.
Our affiliated feature on StimuSIL: StimuSIL's SAGA-001: A New Paradigm in Laser Therapy For Hair Loss
StimuSIL is putting on a webinar for potential investors, patients, and anyone who is interested in learning more about their technology, clinical trials, and pathway ahead. Register for the webinar below. (This is not financial advice)
Update: The webinar has been postponed.
Everyone who signed up for the webinar, like myself, was contacted and informed that the webinar was postponed due to StimuSIL’s CMO Dr. Gerrish encountering a last minute flight delay. The current date for rescheduling is Thursday, July 13th, at 1 PM EST.
Register here ✍: Webinar Sign Up Form