Posts by Follicle Thought
RiverTown Therapeutics Inc. Launches Website
Today, I woke up to discover that one of my favorite companies developing a hair growth treatment, RiverTown Therapeutics Inc., has launched their website. Site can be viewed here. One of the new significant announcements shared on the website is the introduction of the Scientific Advisory Board which includes two familiar names: Maria Hordinsky MD…
Read More2016: A Year in Review
It does not feel that long ago that I wrote the article 2016: A Look Ahead, but just like that here I am bringing a recap of a rather exciting year in the hair growth industry. To start, let’s review what I highlighted in the original “2016 look ahead” post. Samumed’s Phase II results –…
Read MoreHairClone Growing, Aclaris IND: Weekly Thoughts 11/9/16
Hello everyone, and welcome to another edition of Weekly Thoughts. It has been a little while since my last check in with you all. You can chalk it up to a busy schedule and the fact that there hasn’t been too much significant news in the hair growth treatment world recently. As always, there are…
Read MoreUpdate: New Follica Website
The times they are a-changing. Nowadays you can’t even take a trip to the fridge to grab more hummus dip without some hair growth startup rolling out their new website and business plan. Jokes aside, Follica has been the ultimate tight-lipped company in the hair regeneration biz for about 8 years now. To be honest,…
Read MoreL’Oreal 3D Printing, Hope for AA, Stem Cell Transplants: Weekly Thoughts 10/10/16
Hello everyone, and welcome to another edition of Weekly Thoughts. Things have been really busy in the hair world as of late, new companies are popping up all the time and companies that we have known about are finally making the announcements we want to hear. Lo and behold it’s almost been two months since…
Read MoreA New Approach to Solving Hair Loss: HairClone
I had the opportunity to speak with Paul Kemp PhD this week about his new hair growth venture, HairClone. Paul shared a brief presentation with me about the concepts and business plan that HairClone is based upon. I can say I am genuinely impressed, there is evolution here. An experienced medical and business team, elements…
Read MoreHairClone – Another One
I almost couldn’t believe my eyes when I started browsing the website for HairClone, a new hair regeneration startup based out of Manchester, UK. Just like that another hair growth technology company has sprung up seemingly out of nowhere, and they have a very interesting plan to make hair regeneration a reality. The Scoop HairClone…
Read MoreRiverTown Therapeutics Inc. Results: Exclusive
I’m very happy to be bringing you all an incredible exclusive on Follicle Thought. This week, David Weinstein, MD, PhD of RiverTown Therapeutics Inc. reached out to me to share some amazing photo results of his new compound RT1640. Below you will find photographs of a 60+ year old woman and a 42 year old…
Read MoreHairCell Interview: Exclusive
Follicle Thought recently had the opportunity to interview Howard Leonhardt of Leonhardt Ventures about his interesting new invention aimed at hair regeneration, HairCell. The Chief Medical Officer of Leonhardt Ventures, Dr. Leslie Miller, also provided some input for certain questions in the interview. Dr. Miller is also Director of the USF Heart Institute and has…
Read MoreRapunzel Still Growing, Histogen Talk, Ultimate Guide Update: Weekly Thoughts 8/17/16
Hello Everyone, Welcome to another edition of Weekly Thoughts. This week’s news consists of an update on Christiano’s cellular hair growth startup Rapunzel, some interesting tidbits on Histogen, and updates being made to the Ultimate Guide to Hair Regeneration 2016. Bonus news alert: I will also have an exclusive interview with one of the newer…
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