AlviArmani Recruiting for Cutting Edge Hair Growth Treatment

This image was posted to AlviArmani’s Twitter account about three weeks ago. The most notable information on the poster: 1. “Be a participant in cutting edge research for hair growth” 2. “No cost to you” 3. “Alviarmani Beverly Hills” I was intrigued when I noticed this was being done by AlviArmani, who has conducted extensive…

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IBN 3D Hair Follicle Model

This press release might have flown under the radar back in July 2013 when it was released. It’s flown under the radar since then, too. However, I feel there could be more to it than what meets the eye when it comes to this research. The IBN First off, who is the IBN? The Institute…

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Follicept has had a big buzz on the internet lately, mostly due to the fact that it will soon begin trials on human subjects. Follicept was mentioned in a previous post about Hair Regeneration Tech 2015. As a quick recap, Follicept is a topical gel solution that is based on a proprietary delivery method for…

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FUE or FUT Hair Transplants: Know the Difference

This article is a simple informative message for those considering a hair transplant. Today, hair transplants done by doctors of a high degree of skill and integrity are still the best option for restoring significant amounts of hair. One of the most important points for to be aware of when making a hair transplant decision…

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Hair is a Wonderful Thing

We all love our hair. Some of us didn’t know how much we loved our hair until we didn’t have the same amount of it over a period of time. Hair is the reason I started this site, it’s the reason you came here to read this. Hair is interesting. Hair is stylish. Hair is…

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