Koehler Lab Seeks Partners For Hair Cloning Technology
Koehler Lab Identifies Partner To Move Technology Forward: Update (7/7/21)
About one year after this article was originally published, I have received a noteworthy update to share from Dr. Karl Koehler. Most importantly, as you read in the heading, an undisclosed company has stepped up to the plate to further Koehler’s research towards the clinic. Below is a quote directly from Dr. Koehler:
“We have been better defining and refining our process for hair-bearing skin generation over the past year. Making steady progress…..We have also identified an industrial partner that we hope will be instrumental in moving our approach in a clinical direction. As for our work with David Sinclair, you correctly connected the dots. We have a very early stage project with his group. So early that I can’t comment at this time. Stay tuned.”
That would make two buzzworthy updates in his response, a partner for the follicle culturing technology and a new project with David Sinclair which could represent a separate new therapy. Kudos to the groups at Harvard working on hair growth and many thanks to Karl Koehler for sharing this news with us.
Original Article
Hair-Bearing Skin Made From Human Cells
Karl Koehler PhD and colleagues from Boston, Indianapolis, and Palo Alto have achieved a landmark accomplishment in the field of tissue engineering – the creation of human skin with its natural appendages such as fat, nerves, and importantly, hair. The research paper which accompanied this work is titled “Hair-bearing human skin generated entirely from pluripotent stem cells“, its lead author is Jiyoon Lee PhD, a research associate of Koehler’s lab in Boston.
The team used human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) which were treated with a cocktail of growth factors and small molecules drugs to form human skin in a dish. This led to the development of both layers of human skin, the dermis and epidermis, and subsequently, the budding of multiple hair follicles after around 70 days of culturing. What’s remarkable is the fact that after the researchers grafted these human skin organoids onto the backs of mice, the hair follicles in the human skin grafts grew brown hairs which meant the follicles developed their own pigment-producing melanocyte cells. The work has achieved a new precedence in the quest for an unlimited supply of pigmented hair follicles.
Additional Media:
Well known follicle research Dr. George Cotsarelis and his colleague at the University of Pennslyvania, Dr. Leo Wang, wrote a “News and Views” article for Nature in reaction to this latest research breakthrough.
A new podcast interview with Dr. Koehler titled “Human Skin Organoids” was released on June 16, 2020. The section with Karl begins around the 26 min mark.
Commentary From Karl Koehler PhD

Dr. Karl Koehler The Chosen One?
When hair research news like this hits the media, it’s important for our audience to know what’s really going on with the commercialization efforts for the technology. I was fortunate to receive some exclusive commentary from Dr. Koehler about his team’s current efforts to further this research into a game-changing treatment. His full response is below (and yes, we all noticed, the man has good hair) :
“We are currently looking for industry partners to translate our findings to the clinic. We have a few interested parties that we are in discussion with right now. As the News & Views article that accompanied our article nicely summarizes, there are a number of technical challenges we face, such as immune rejection and the slow speed of development in a dish. We have some promising approaches to accelerate follicle induction under development in our lab right now. For a future treatment, it will be cost-prohibitive to produce induced pluripotent stem cells for each patient, so we are particularly interested in industry partners with technologies that could help us meet the challenge of immune rejection.”
The Race Is On
Posted in Hair Cloning, Hair Growth Treatment, Karl Koehler
Big thanks to Dr. Koehler for the words and I hope everyone enjoys this news. The cloning niche in the hair restoration industry is started to become the most crowded, which is a great thing.
yes, but still years away from commercalization, maybe ouer children wont be bald at least, but real cure will not come before 2030, no way
Sure, years away, but we don’t know how many years. It’s absolutely reasonable that this treatment could be ready for a Japanese clinical trial in 2024 with only 18 months needed till market approval if it works.
at least ten, no way it will be sooner
There are ways actually, as mentioned. It could take 10 also, only possible to speculate at this time.
just like Tsuji treatment? 2020 the year when baldess will be extinct, and where are we now? in the same point as 20 years ago, because real treatment is a head full of hair and we never didnt see that
You’re free to have your own opinion. I’ve shared my thoughts already, and done with the banter for now. No one on this site told you baldness will be extinct in 2020.
After reading a lot of these negative comments it got me thinking. Hair loss sucks guys, we all get it. But if there is a potential new discovery of baldness we need to be excited regardless of your age. There is direct correlation from younger people that hair loss causes anxiety and depression. If the cure takes 7 years so what?? We as humans get so selfish of things that we want for ourselves but if they solve the cure for baldness for the younger generation that is fantastic! It could help solve depression for some people in the younger generation. We can’t get so caught up in only thinking for ourselves. There is also some really good treatment programs coming out within the next couple years. I’m currently at the very beginning stage of a Norwood 4 I’d say and I’m thinking about starting treatment now even though I’m nervous. Just stay strong and have hope for a remarkable discovery.
Good initiative Colton, let’s hope that the technology comes soon so all can enjoy it.
It is indeed good news, but if it takes ten years, it will be too long, and if it is just listed, the cost will be very expensive.
Cost is the easy part, once it exists as an approved therapy people can find ways to finance a treatment. With countries like Japan with faster regulations 10 years is not necessary but it is possible. I hope for the best outcomes always. We’ll see how it goes.
Do you guys think any of these experient like Rikan, Stemson Therapeutics or Kobler, if fruitful could help people with scarring alopecia?
Hey I’m from the medical community and a researcher myself. Look I hate to say this but its a yes or now answer. When theres scarring alopecia, vein network that supports hair follicles is basically destroyed. Thin flexible skin is turned into tough rugged highly inelastic skin. Think about putting plant seed in molasses. Its not going to move. Same concept with scarring alopecia. It takes years to rebuild the vein network after re-injecting hair follicles into the area. You can’t inject too many because the survival rate is extremely low with scarred up skin. Short answer is No. Long answer is yes but you would basically have 10 hairs put in per square cm once a year to rebuild the vein network so that you don’t “overload” the hair follicles killing them off. I’ve been researching hair loss for a while now, I have a theory it has to do something with the mitochondrial motors failing, collapsing the pillar muscle, shrinking the hair follicle. I think if scientists can find a way to reconnect the pills muscle, it might just cure male pattern baldness.
There is a company working on mitochondrial-enhancing therapeutics for hair growth and skin rejuvenation. I did a brief interview with the founder.
Let’s me optimistic, thanks for the news FT!! Great to hear something positive during these times.
Thank you Master V!
This breakthrough has its implications that won’t just be limited to hair restoration. But it will take at least a decade to commercialize.
Anyhow, its never too late for some good news to come around. Let’s hope 2020 holds the distinction of being the year when something good happened in the hair loss industry like never before.
back to 2010 the cure was ten years away, and now 2020 etc….the progress i very slow, i wouldnt be surprised if these treatment come at 2050
Thankfully in this life: patterns, limitations, and commonly held beliefs are subject to change. Just ask the Wright brothers or Nicolaus Copernicus.
but we all be too old for these treatment
It depends on how old you are now. Keep your head up friend.
I do have to agree theres definately a place on some other subject for optimism but it has not been rewarded in the hair loss circles. Riken and Tsuji were supposed to give updates on animal trials for safety long ago not a peep from them we dont even know what influence Tsuji is currently having anyway. This will take a long time to come out surely not gonna mention price I dont have a clue but I cant imagine it’s too cheap we’ll maybe see. You could say well a miracle out of the normal situation may happen and they could expedite the treatment but you would be lying to yourself this industry has no luck when it comes to finalizing treatments and your asking that the unicorn of treatments be poofed into availability which is as it sounds. Anyways thanks admin always good updates I hope they prove me wrong.
actually when you are in your early 20ties and bald and can’t tolerate fin or dut, too late is definitely a thing!!!
Immune system acceptance seems to be a major roadblock – I remember reading synthetic hair follicle transplants had issues here as well.
Curious if the other major players (Tsuji, Loreal?) or other medical fields have solutions here, or if this will be an area that needs further study?
Regardless, huge news. Feeling hopeful that we’re getting close!
Dünya değişiyor bence şuan 2023 e kadar en az 2 tedavi sürülecek piyasaya umudu kaybetmeyin !
Bravo! (with translate)
Türkiyeden yazıyorum. Bizimde saç dökülmesi ile ilgili forumumuz var ve saç dökülmesinin nelerden olduğu hakkında araştırmalar yapıyor ve sitenizi forum olarak takip ediyoruz.
Thank you, thank you. If you could put your words into translator to English first before you comment that would be great for other readers to read it as well. Again, your feedback is welcome thanks very much.
Admin I’m new to this cure game, but it seems to me like there is a huge number of players in this race ( from Hairclone to Tsuji). I presume you have been around these forums a lot longer and I was wondering in the past has there been this many competitors. Moreover, how do the current prospects compare to past ones?
Ps. Thanks for your hard work
Travis there are definitely more cellular based companies now than in the past. The first ones: Interxytex, Aderans, Histogen were pioneers and some of them made the mistakes for the current companies to learn from. Never in the past were there multiple companies who were seeking to create multiplied hair follicles, they thought they could do it with Dermal Papillae cell mixtures alone. Like one might assume, the technology of companies like Stemson, TissUse, Organ Technologies, L’Oreal/Poietis are significantly more advanced than initial attempts.
Yoda tends to agree that this is many years away. For more info on something that is potentially nearer term and actually in clinical trials, here’s a link to a local news story on the clinic that is doing the Histogen Clinical Trials. https://www.10news.com/sdconnect/male-pattern-baldness-clinical-trail-opportunity
This is a great news, we need more cloning companies, can’t rely on Tsuji alone.
Admin, what do you think how long before a grey hair is cured/reversed?
Admin, great news. Is this one of those “wild card” companies you were talking about in an earlier post? Also, it seems like the number of cloning players is increasing. Do you think that this will speed things up in general? Thx
Not a wild card company actually. I do think that other companies who have the funding will be a bit more eager to get ahead now that so many players are lining up, how much of a difference it will make? We don’t know but competition is a good thing in the hair race.
Admin, are those four companies tsuji, stemson, rapunzel, and koehler?
I was just summarizing Greg, the ones you name for sure and TissUse as well.
I think a true “cure” for gray hair is likely 10+ years out.
Thanks Yoda, I will try to find that article on their site and see if I can post it. Histogen 2020 let’s go.
I think this really marks the beginning of a new era, cloning will become a reality, but let’s face it, we are only at the start of the journey, do not expect any commercialization anytime soon (10+ years minimum). The next generation of baldies won’t have to suffer from this disease and thats already great to know!!… and those already bald may have a chance to enter 3rd age with a full head of hair haha
If it will take 10+ years for grey hair to be reversed than hair loss cure is 20+ years away. Nice, we will be full brown hair elderly…
I don’t agree with this assessment, there are around 4 established companies actively working on hair cloning….I cannot think of one established company openly working on a gray hair cure at the moment.
All these complex hair stem cells treatments will be very, very expensive. Not for ordinary Joe.
Plus, it will be much harder going through clinical trials in USA/Canada/Europe using iPSCs. Only Japan for now.
This treatment is at least 7-8 years away.
I totally agree , 6-8 years before we see this treatment hit the market. I’ve been following hair loss news since 2015 and gradually became more pessimistic seeing how many failures and delays there have been.
If this treatment hit the market in 6-7 years it would be the greatest news in the history of hair medicine and a very fortunate outcome. It sounds as if people are saying this coming out in 7 years would not be that great?
Hi folliclethoght: you say that it is the greatest news in hairloss history if a company brings hair cloning to the market in 7 years aha…
Last year you were told by Jon Knight that he will bring SHT very soon to the market 1-2 years.
You never really believed in J Hewitt because you ever knew that this is s Scan company? You aren’t stupid 😉
I was to stupid to realize that it was all a big joke…
Ghostbuster, please get your facts straight if you’re going to come in that direction. J Hewitt said he was going to trial the SHT and see what happens, if it works it will come to market within 2 years yes. And if that happens it will be the best news hair loss medicine history also. These things are pending in the future. Get it? ? Also, J Hewitt is a great and very credible company. Take care
True, that would be amazing. I was just telling the folks who think this will be out in 2-3 years to not get there hopes too high. It could even be that cloning will be available before 2026 but that’s still unlikely. Or – worst case scenario and we still may have no cure by 2030. We’ll have to wait till we get trial results from Tsuji ,J.hewitt or Poietis to make a accurate prediction for a possible cure date.
This is true Twenty. We’ve got a lot of potential options, and I think we’re all rooting for them to do well in trials.
did dr Tsuji give a timeline for his treatment?
7 years, just in time for Yoda’s retirement party! 😉
It would be great, especially if you are very young. I guess it depends how old you are and how far along you are in the hair loss process, Also, thinking it is 6 or 7 years away, anything can happen during that time to delay the timeline or the fact that 6 or 7 years away means there is still a lot to be proven and studied, so nice it is being worked on, but can’t really get too excited or hang one’s hopes on it. I am sure many have gotten their hopes up in the past with these timelines, only to be let down, so better to manage those expectations. If they said within a year and a half, I would def be looking forward to it.
Every individual surely has to determine their own hope and expectations regarding upcoming treatments, not just cloning but everything, it all needs to complete the steps before it reach can a patient’s scalp. My own take is that even for myself I don’t see a point in following hair growth treatment news without hope. If hope can’t be wagered without a guarantee of it coming to fruition then a person may be better off to just embrace the hair loss. Nothing has ever been said to gauranteed.
Hey, I am a young male ( 19 years old) with norwood 1 pattern hair loss (although everyone is a perfect norwood 0 in my family lol), could anyone give me some advice on what i should use to keep my hair ?
Yeah, my advice is to see a doctor that specializes in hair loss, a derm or REPUTABLE/HONEST transplant doc.
Thank you Yoda for your response, I have been to a reputable doctor and they have told me I have pattern hairloss norwood 1, my hair has lost zero density but the temples are slightly receded. They recommended no treatment but i have noticed my temples creeping back ever so slightly over the 2 years
-Minoxidil with AB Shampoo (available end
of year..hopefully)
-Due to young age I probably would refrain
from using Propecia.
-Waiting for Follica
Thank you so much for your response. I will keep this in mind! My hair is really dense it is just the slightly receding temples that are worrying me!
F5 – a couple questions.
1) why is immune rejection an issue? Why can’t each patient get their own cells cloned? If it’s just cost, then why can’t rich patients have access sooner? Or does their method simply not allow a patient to be their own donor (which would seem strange)?
2) was the pigment the pigment of the donor of the pigment of the recipient mouse? Big difference.
Thank you again for the great work.
I’m hoping a biologist or stem cell researcher could chime in here on the comments. I’m not sure about every answer at the moment, especially regarding immune rejection. To your other questions, each patient could get their own cells cloned, but Koehler believes this would be a cost-prohibitive approach as mentioned in his quote. Rich patients can’t have this sooner because Koehler has to decide on a specific method of administering the treatment and put that method through clinical trials, I don’t think he’s going to go for one route so that a small population of millionaires get the procedure done and then find a more universal approach for the rest of society afterwards – he would likely try to develop the universal approach first and then bring that to trials.
It’s not clear from the literature how the pigment appeared, however, if the pigment did appear based on the color of the mouse’s hair color, then this would support a theory that transplanted hairs would take on a person’s own hair color as well, according to their genetics. Thanks for the kind words and support.
Could Breezula and finasteride be taken together, if so looks very positive. And has their phase 3 trial started yet?
I’m a stem cell researcher and medical student. 3 weeks ago I posted on hairlosstalk immune rejection was a big issue. Everybody laughed at me and told me to f*** off. Interesting how things turn. In short terms. Ever ips cell has a mitochondria cell. The mitochondria cell produces energy for the cell. Now I stated that the biggest issue with ips cells wasn’t cancer. Theres been more than a dozen trials using ips cells to cure everything from blindness to muscle rejuvenation. Studies have shown that ips cells have a 20-40% rejection rate. Why? Simple? In Japan when they clone ips cells, they screen the cell for mutations to prevent cancer. Something the US doesn’t do. But they dont screen the mitochondria. The mitochondria is an energy powerhouse that has a high mutation rate. When a mutation occurs the immune system destroys the cell. So the easiest fix is to screen the mitochondria for dan mutations. Hardest way to fix this is to take immune suppressants.
In my humble opinion, as a medical student and researcher. I think a launch will happen in 2-3 years. 2024 tbh. I see this getting launched in the US in 2028. The way the US medical system works is simple. The fda lets other countries be the test bunnies for new technologies and approve US companies for the same technologies years later. I See stemson being launched in 2028 after a successful trial from Tsuji.
Jake, thanks for this insightful comment. Your contributions are always welcome and appreciated here. Also nice to hear some optimism on commercialization from someone involved in the medical industry.
Thank you for this. More positive news. I do wish there was a guide for non specialists that set out the different approaches to hair cloning and explained the different techniques. I thought using one’s own cells meant there would be no immune system issues. I am increasingly confused as to how Tsuji, Stemson, and L’Oreal (to name but three) differ from each other. Just hope one or more commercialise within next ten years and the price comes down so it is affordable to more people. It is time we were all rid of this curse…
hairclone, stemson, L’Oreal, tsuji and koehler all ride on the same principle. Ips cells. Though how each of them create a hair follicle differs. You basically have 5 different companies tackling the same problem using the same tools but building off different methods. There was a trial 4 months back, they cured blindness in 4 out of the 5 individuals using ips cells. The 5th individual’s immune system rejected the cells. Nothing bad happened, they just injected a steroid in the eye to reduce swelling. Intercex/aderans/replicel all failed because they used dermal sheath cup cells. Those cells are basically the lining of the hair follicle. Its like cutting your fingernail and injecting it into your skin to grow new skin. I will say this. I’m very hesitant before I make claims on timing of any given procedure. But I see hair cloning being a resolved issue within the decade. In the medical industry nobody wants to be the first to test a procedure. So I will say this. I predict in 2027-2028 this procedure will be affordable to the masses. But I can’t see it going under 50k tbh given it takes 3 weeks to clone all 500 sample hairs into 60,000.
I do agree with you that hair-cloning eventually will happen, there is just too many indications and even proof out there that it works.
Regarding your timeline, well, at this point R&D of Organ Technologies must be over and in every press release (the newest was 1 1/2 years ago) they stuck to the 2020 release (limited probably). Another 7 or 8 years just seems so damn long given the enormous progress they already made.
Cell rejection seems to be a problem, Stemson for example is collaborating with the renowned immunity-expert in the field Dr. David Sachs from Columbia University.
So adequate testing of ips cells in trials didnt really start until 2018. The immune issue wasn’t really prevalent for a long time until they ran trials. If you ask me. I think organ technologies thought it was good to run a trial until data came out about immune rejection. They figured out the expansion methods, but I think they’ll spend the next three years running diagnostic tests and trials on immune rejection. They sounded confident in 2019 which is strange but at this point I think they’ll release a statement at the end of 2020 saying they’ll push back the trials because of cover.
@Jake, thanks very much for your insights and assessment of the hair cloning approaches. As the admin already said, it’s always great to hear/read it from somebody who works in the field or at least in a related field.
Thanks Jake. And good to see some optimism. 50K I can live with; but the Tsuji estimate of 300K is pushing it, to say the least; though I note they say it will come down over time. Needless to say, the more companies, and more competition, the more the prices will come down. I’ve waited a long time for this, and gave up some time ago on pills and potions.
Alan, I was doing the math, as I stated I could not for the life of me imagine the price hitting below 50k. There are over 50 multi millionaires worldwide. Tsuji claimed the first year of release would handle only 10k customers and scale from there. And to make a cell processing/distribution center to clone the follicles. It would cost at least 500 million dollars. So I don’t see alot of startups competing given the large upfront costs. As I stated, I feel as though once tsuji launches, Big Pharma companies will launch their own version in America given their large lobbying power. I see their being tsuji, another company in china, and allergen in America. I’m not being pessimistic, I’m being realistic. It took nearly 10 years for botox to come down to an affordable cost. started at around 2-5k and came down to $500-800.
Jake, thanks again. Where was the figure of 10k customers mentioned, was it in the interview with the Japanese hair loss blogger from Youtube?
Hello admin, long time reader, first time commenting. Thanks for your work, it’s hihgly appreciated and so is the kind and educated atmosphere of the forum.
No just kidding, but regarding your last sentence about the price of the procedure, koehler and stemson actually talked about creating “hair farms”, a sort of mass production of hair that they would just need to.implant in the patient’s scalp, not having to clone the very own patient’s hair, but implanting hair that match one’s color and thickness. Now wouldn’t this make it affordable for the average joe? If they can find a way to avoid rejection that is.
Oh guys I forgot to say this, I emailed Kyocera and they said they were snot prepared for a statement. I got two emails
“Greetings and thank you for your inquiry. Kyocera’s headquarters in Japan confirmed with me today that that the technologies you are intersted in remain in development, and that no public announcement is ready yet regarding trials or availability.”
I asked for more info on timing of an announcement: they said this in another emails
“Kyocera sincerely appreciates your interest. The science involved in this project requires unprecedented advances in technology. Since unknown obstacles must be overcome, a schedule for public announcement remains too difficult to determine. Additionally, as a publicly-traded company, Kyocera may have to take special measures to avoid selective disclosure when the announcement becomes available. For these reasons, unfortunately, Kyocera cannot comment to you regarding the development or release schedule at this time.”
This email was about 2 weeks ago. I posted it on hl20 and people thought I made up the email which is crazy. I
Grazie Jack per i tuoi interventi !! cosa consigli di fare per adesso su un norwood 5 ? Trapianto? Oppure direttamente una protesi nel mentre aspettare la clonazione? Visto che parli di pochi anni al rilascio … grazie mille
In my opinion, you should do this. Get a hair system now. You dont wanna change your donor zone if cloning does Come because you’ll be wasting good hair that could of been used. And at Norwood 5 thats pretty far back. I advise you Get a hair system. Have it for a year or two while we get an update on the release. If they dont release something in 5 years, get a transplant in 5 years. You can always take off a hair system, but you cant reverse a hair transplant.
A good FUE is forgivable in the future though if a person decides to ever buzz it. Donor area will look fine. One thing to be aware with the hair system is that if you ever stop you will go from thick head of hair to bald in your public life, this is overcomeable as well but you just have to be willing to do it if need be.
Grazie admin …secondo te …un trapianto comporta problemi con la clonazione ? … non dimentichiamoci anche di HAIRCLONE può essere un salvagente mentre si aspetta la clonazione
Rimi please translate your comments to English before posting. Thank you.
Also, I don’t see how a transplant would cause problems with hair cloning.
Grazie mille per la risposta ..sono molto confuso… non so’ che fare .. se sapevo di più su l uscita della prima clonazione allora si potevano avere idee più chiare … stanno uscendo anche altri trattamenti magari nel mentre fare le cure e poi trapianto…ma se magari la clonazione esce tra’ 3 anni allora forse meglio pensare alla protesi
Interesting comment Jake.
Any indication as of today regarding what would cause the immune system to reject IPS cells? They carry the same DNA information as the host after all…
Thanks for your info.
Hi Admin,
Apologies if this isn’t the best place to ask a question unrelated to the article. But I remember reading the below article last year about patches fitted into a cap that apply electric pulses to the scalp to generate hair regrowth.
Any product timeline updates? Is it a genuine, potentially good hair loss tool? It’s path to market would surely be much quicker than drugs that require FDA clearance? The fact it made it to the New Scientist makes me think there must be some legitimacy…
@ Pete I also think this Electric Stimulation is something to be excited about. The actual animal Trial was much earlier before this News was published last year September and as far as I now they planned to release it within a year. Even if the results are minimal it would be great as this is just wearing a hat and not taking drugs. The results on mice was outstanding! … @ Admin could you please get in contact with UW Madison and ask for Pipeline or status?
Hi Pete, no problem. I have been in touch with that lab who is developing the electrical stimulation cap. Before the whole corona thing started he told me they were hoping to do a trial by August, I don’t know if that has been pushed back at all but I will follow up with them around July or so to see how things are coming along. The human trial will determine how useful the product is, I would say if it does work one could expect results in the minoxidil range.
Is there a way for me to contact them? I might try I out now, since there are no side effects
The treatment is not available to the public, unless you are talking about being part of the trial near Madison, Wisconsin.
Thanks Admin. Looking forward to hearing the update. I imagine the human trial process will be a lot shorter than drugs that need to go through the FDA?
Yes it’s likely that the cap could come out as a 510k device similar to laser caps. I believe it would only need one trial to show safety importantly and some efficacy secondardily.
Yes it’s likely that the cap could come out as a 510k device similar to laser caps. I believe it would only need one trial to show safety importantly and some efficacy secondardily.
@Jake what do you think of WAY like compounds by Giuliani?
I dont buy the bs of creams to be honest. Creams etc fix stuff at the surface. I do believe there will be an injection in the future such as an injectable finasteride compound that will haunt hair loss.
Regarding iPSCs cells. This is totally new paper published 2 days ago.
A simple, quick, and efficient CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing method for human induced pluripotent stem cells
Bryan are you still going to share your Tsuji update With us?
@jake it just seems strange to me that they cant find something to inject then to get the follicle going on. The problem with anything where there is an immune response issue is that you are probably going to have to do something risky to stop it
I think this is not a problem. they cannot adjust the dose to continue making money. Otherwise, they found the solution. If they are treated more than once, there will be no money flow
Wrong , the cure is a goldmine .
Every year millions of men start the balding process there is no limit on how much money you can do with the cure.
The can give an expensive price to this cure thats all .
Its just not easy to make the first break through .
I belive after the first company that will solve it completely , many companies will make it as well , the same as with every tech .
@follicle thought what do you think?
Thanks for sharing D1, it sounds more like an ingredient to add to a shampoo or something, I don’t have high expectations for it.
Hello everyone, Admin thank you for your work on this website !
I was wondering, maybe someone will answer me, do you think that hair cloning could be effective for a person suffering from DUPA (Diffuse unpatterned alopecia) ?
A man or women only needs 60% of their hair for others to believe its thick. Once you drop below 50% into the 40’s you start to get that thinning look. In the 2016 organ technologies interview they aimed for a more conservative multiple of 6000 cloned hairs from a 50 follicle sample. If you do the math you’ll only need 500 hairs which is 0.5% of your total scalp coverage. Dupa patients will be fine its more or less one willing to wait in line and pay for “top offs” every year. And if you cant afford to wait theres always hair systems. Now admin regarding 10k trial, I have a photographic memory. I forgot where I read it. I distinctly remember in an article that the treatment would be free for the first year for all Japanese citizens at a limit of 10k individuals. I’ll see if I can pull up an article and show it to you. What struck me about organ technologies is in the early 2000’s they sold equity when they formed then bought it back 3 years later. Most companies dont buy back equity so quickly unless there is a massive expected appreciation. I will note Tsuji retiring does raise concerns. One of two things could arise, The work is complete and the treatment works. Or Tsuji is passing down the work for his team(next generation) to finish. Organ technologies received 5 million in funding, is backed by Riken ventures, partnered up with a 20 billion dollar equipment manufacturer. Idk it all seems weird to me tbh. Thats my 2 cents.
Thanks a lot Jack for your answer !
No problem, look I know I’m just here to lay facts thats it and an educated opinion on launch. If you want my advice. If you have severe dupa, wear a hair system until a public launch is made in 4 years time. That would be easier to do rather thinning completely and having a dramatic change when it does come. I think a cure will come within a decade. Not because people feel bad but social media has shown that men are willing to pay for looks. Before social media, the cosmetic industry for men was non existent. Nobody ever thought the hair loss industry would be a 24 billion dollar industry. I predict their will be a flood of new hairloss treatments within the next decade because the profit margins on hair systems/transplants/creams is crazy. Injectable and topical finasteride is the start.
Finally my doctor has prescribed minoxidil. Is it good to start? Will there be any problem in switching to new future treatment(s) and stop minoxidil?
I have thinning across top and with small hair scalp is highly visible. Will this work for now?
Devit, pal what do you mean by “finally”? What did your doctor prescribe you before ?
Yes. I turned out 17 in last month and previously my doctor has prescribed only multivitamins because I was too young for him to start minoxidil.
Please ans my questions that I had asked in my last post
I do understand that majority are non-responders. You will find out soon.
If you are unfortunate use AB-103 from Applied Biology ( probably available later this year).
i see a post in hairlosstalk:
In this magazine we can get the actual Tsuji-Update (January 2020). The full article can be bought on amazon:
I tried to buy this article (633Yen) with my amazon-account but it doesnt work. Has somebody an international amazon-account and is able to get this magazine for us?
Tsuji says in this article when the trial will start this year.(Before COVID-19)
I think it is better to read this recent article then speculating. We have to admit that Takashi Tsuji gave an update in January 2020 and went to this newspaper giving an interview. So we cant accuse him that he doesnt inform us about his research!
Hi JK, that’s a good find.
We‘ll only need a translation of page 78…that magazine should be found online somewhere, I think. Especially as it is from January. Anyone with Japanese connections (@Admin: Fuji?).
Hello admin, I get minoxidil 5% with fin. Will it be more beneficial? Will this have same side effects?
The combination is almost certainly more beneficial. Topical fin can still have side effects as oral fin but less likely to occur and will probably be weaker sides if they do.
hair follicle genesis serum
Is this product really effective?
Hi Ahmed, I think by now most have realized that these small startup companies who have a “miracle” method over-the-counter that somehow has evaded the world’s best hair experts for years are not very interesting. The product you mentioned does not seem worthwhile.
Why was the histogen update deleted admin?
Not deleted, just put back in the order it was originally published, scroll down on Articles page ?
Hi admin. I read a comment regarding a trial near madison wisconsin, where can I find more information? Thanks.
Hi Em, you would need to get in touch with this researcher and ask if you can be part of the study when it begins. https://news.wisc.edu/electric-tech-could-help-reverse-baldness/
Hello there, everyone. I have an off-topic question or two, and I’m hoping that some of you lovely people will be able to offer some guidance.
Recently, I noticed that my stubble is looking increasingly patchy. Looking at certain areas, I am really worried (terrified) that I have alopecia barbae. It is (potentially) devastating. It’s like learning that I have hairloss all over again.
1) Has anyone else had similar experiences? If so, what would you recommend?
2) I’ve done lots of research (called GP, tried to schedule an appointment with local dermatologist) and it seems that I should look into steroid injections, add supplements to diet (Vitamin D, ginger juice). Anything else?
3) I’ve just read about Ruxolitnib. Is this still a thing? If so, does anyone know what stage it is at? I e-mailed Dr. Angela Christiano, but I’m guessing she is pretty busy!
4) Is there any chance that my hairloss (which I’ve always assumed was diffuse thinning) is alopecia-related?
look 99.9% of the time its alopecia related. I’m more of the extreme. diffuse hair on the head since 16, body hair loss, eyebrow hair loss, eyelash, and beard. My pubic hair is non existent. I have enlarged lymph nodes scattered across my body. My hair is diffuse on the crown and on the side part. I’ve come to believe its one of three things. Scarring alopecia, thyroid issue, or alopecia areata. I think your hair loss is male pattern baldness to be honest. ive been on rogaine, micro needling, finasteride for 5 years, nothing. So unless you tried everything I would just say its normal alopecia. Because alot of other people like me have it worse.
One thing I can say Paul is I found a picture on instagram one time of a man showing a bare spot on his beard which he considered alopecia related and he said it could be caused by stress. I’m not sure if this relates to your situation at all, but decreasing stress and relaxing more is always a good idea if possible. And yes Christiano likely will not respond to your question, perhaps try a derm or doctor who has published human (clinical) research on JAK drugs and alopecia.
Cheers, admin. I’ve been in touch with two dermatologists, but they aren’t taking appointments right now. I spoke to a few people who have patchy stubble, and they recommended steroid injections. I’m going to look into that.
Is Ruxolitnib the same thing as Jak Inhibitors? I remember reading that something happened with Jak Inhibitors that caused a lot of people to write them off. Is that right?
Ruxolitinib is a JAK inhibitor, yes. I’m not sure what you mean by write them off. Aclaris company dropped their JAK program for common hair loss because they didn’t have extra funds to continue and results were so-so. But all in all JAK drugs have been proven to work for areata cases and several companies have them in the pipeline still. Steroid injections sounds like a better idea to me, let’s see what the doctors say.
What do you think of this Russian product?
I thought it was interesting Ahmed, but I emailed the founder and got no response. That’s always an indicator for me when no response is given.
Igor from that Russian company called me and said that the product would be in America in a year and in the EU in three months
Very interesting! Thanks Stratosfera! …. so we will know soon. I look forward to it.
Did they mention trial results or photos?
They have very bold Based on scientific discovery
More than 25 years before the advent of Regeus in trichology, innovative drugs were not created.
We have developed a completely new tool for hair, eyelash and eyebrow growth based on nitrolipins – the natural bioregulators of the human body.
Minoxidil free
Hormone free
No undo effect
No addiction
Full restoration of the hair follicle
Before Regeus, not one drug in the world could effectively affect the hair papilla, responsible for the formation of a new bulb. Such drugs either could not penetrate the bulbs through the skin, or did not have the ability to affect the receptors of the dermal papilla – the source of the formation of new hair.
What to expect
from Regeus Serum
Stops Hair Loss
Serum reduces hair loss to normal.
Launches new hair growth
3 bottles of 30 ml in about 3 months start the growth of new hair. The effect is visible on the trichogram.
Makes hair thicker
After 4-6 months, new hair grows back, and the volume of hair increases.
Proven Efficiency
Clinical studies have confirmed:
After applying Regeus hair growth serum, the total amount of hair increased by 30%, the amount of thick hair increased by 47%, the amount of double hair increased by 60%.
After applying Regeus eyebrow serum, the total amount of hair increased by 15%, the amount of thick hair increased by 12%.
As mentioned, I contacted the Regeus company about sharing information and data on their product and received no response. This is a caution sign to me.
Hi Kapil, can you share the link of the results info?
TKANKS Tomeriko !!
nothing new,the same old craps, 2020 no cure!
Is it possible to have a trad ? I can’t translate the picture :/
There is nothing interesting in there.
Hi john
Thanks Kapil! … I saw that site before but it has no language Options and Comes only in Russian. So I guess they just focus on Russia. Would be nice to know Distributors. But Maybe this will be Applied Biology or simply by online order. … Results and Before / After pics would be great. Also I wonder why Team members not all have good hair or even wear a hat ??
I said that I had a short conversation with a member of that Russian hair company.
He said their company is working with that company that makes minoxidil shampoo. I can’t remember the name. And that he believes it will be for the US market in one year, for the European market he hopes to be this year.
What are the people with the Russian company working on? You mentioned the shampoo and what else? Sorry I’m new to this discussion
Hi Caroline, the Russian company is offering a topical hair growth product called Regeus, I believe the link is in the comment thread. The shampoo to improve minoxidil response is from another company and not available yet. Thanks for sharing your optimism here!
An interesting new update about hair growth drug screening has been posted on the Updates page. https://folliclethought.com/updates/
Well this is great news! Of course we still don’t know the timeline for it but it seems like a major step forward and I’m optimistic for it. I am young, and so I understand why some of the older commenters are still feeling discouraged about this, but who knows? You could be pleasantly surprised when it ends up coming sooner than expected. Just expect the worst and you’ll never be disappointed.. that’s what I was taught. In the meantime, I’m thinking about getting micro pigmentation done on my head.. it’s effective not only for minimal thinning either. It’s not the same as having a thick head of natural hair but it gives the illusion of it and I’ll take it!
@FollicleThought https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200611005896/en/Applied-Biology-COVID-19-Anti-Androgen-Patent-Considered-Special
Thanks for sharing D1, always appreciated. Perhaps this could inspire the development of anti-androgen drugs which could be used to treat hair loss.
News section of above article Regeus to Enter Into a Research and Development Agreement with Applied Biology in May
Any thing positive?just hopeful
I’ve shared some ideas on the Regeus product several times so far…
@FollicleThought will hair-bearing skin of Dr Koehler encompass the immune response of a body as well?
If not, then wouldn’t it be redundant, given the biggest problem hair cloners face is of immune refusal?
I don’t have the answer to your question at the moment, though, it’s hard to understand precisely what you’re asking. What do you mean by encompass?
Sorry, not an English native speaker. What I meant was how Dr. Koehler’s hair bearing skin is progressively. What I understand is that a mere skin cannot mimic an immune response, so isn’t the human trails still the only way forward for finding out the efficacy and safety of the product?
No worries. If you’re referring to testing drugs on the lab grown follicles, then yes, clinical trials will be necessary afterwards regardless. Testing first on the lab follicles gives companies a good idea on efficacy potential and also toxicity/local safety. It’s a major stepping stone beyond mice teating.
hello admin, is there any update recently?
Hi JK, for what specifically?
Make sure to always check the https://folliclethought.com/Updates and it’s a good idea to bookmark it for daily checking.
Could you please give an update on an update Admin? 😉
Now that the ‘second wave’ is taking off i doubt there will be any important Hair loss research news until Q1 2021. Hopefully we get a BIG surprise. Please… GOD, let the first vaccine work!
I think the second wave talk will go away soon.
Dont worry 20200, there is research all over the world. A delay of a few months perhaps what is understandable
Being semi-serious right now..Avodart or Propecia might protect you against to some extent against Covid19. It was reasoned that DHT may cause an increase of susceptibility to Covid19. Perhaps not a vaccine but nevertheless.
The scientific paper still undergoing a peer review process.
You know after reading a couple of the reviews I feel like I know why people are nervous. Most people are not nervous of a cure. A cure will definitely come within the next 10 years. Dna sequencing, Ai, robotic analyzers, crispr were all discovered within the last 15 years. We got to a point where technology is cheap enough to find cures for new diseases. I think most people are afraid they’ll miss their “golden years”. A lot of people on this forum are in their teens, 20’s and 30’s. Nobody wants to wait 10 years and lose a good chunk of their prime years because of price. Thats the truth, its a question about youth not about a cure. If you go back to the organ technologies interview on youtube from 2016 they said the price will be around 10 times the price of an average hair transplant. Hair transplant costs In 2016 were around 20-30k in the U.S. I think from a medical standpoint 300k is super cheap for one reason only. If they charged 2 million, I bet their would still be millions of people out there willing to pay that. There’s 50+ millionaire global. And the number of slots year 1 is 10,000. Its all about supply and demand. Same with hermez, most people can’t afford it, but if you work hard you will. Nothing is free in life, I recommend everybody to start saving up to have your chance, because I think it will end up being a competition 3 years from now. In my opinion by 2030 this will be available globally for about 30-50k.
i think in 3 years there will be no cure, maybe in 2030 if all goes well
The easiest way to solve the the immunity issue is to screen every mitochondria cell. Its super time consuming and expensive. Picturing having a million cars and trying to take apart and screen a bolt to a frame of every car and see if their all the same size. It works but its definitely not cheap. I think they’ll be a cure within 3 years. But it will most likely originate in Japan, china, South Korea and Mexico where there expedited regenerative treatment protocols. Not worried about cancer at all, and even if it did happen, most tumors that form are localized instead of systemic which is good news.
Hi jake ,as an expert what are you think about hairclon treatment?
In my opinion I think hairclone is waiting for others to do the treatment first because they dont have the money to pay for legal issues if something happens to somebody. Think about it like this. Remember when botox came out. It was a first. Nobody wanted to inject a neuro toxin in the body because one of the side effects of botox is permanent paralysis. Then they did it and then there like dozens of brands of botox now.
HairClone is actually going through the process of getting their cell expansion system certified by the MHRA (British FDA). As soon as they are licensed they can begin offering the cell expansion service to doctors in the UK who will inject the cells into their patients’ scalps. HairClone’s treatment has been attempted before by Intercytex (mostly same personnel as HairClone) and Aderans, although they were trying the treatment in bald areas where it is not effective. DP cell injections have an excellent safety profile so far. The current timeline for HairClone to offer cell services in the UK is around Q2 2021.
so it will be cancerous? within three years? i think it is an optymistic version
stem cells are mutating cells. Regulations are pretty poor on screening stem cells in the U.S. They dont sequence the dna for mutated(cancerous) cells before re-injection. Whereas in Japan 5 treatments using its stem cells have been launched that all screen the cells. Cancer has never arose once. Immune rejection has. I was just saying if you go to china with a shitty doctor with 0 regulations for a cheap version of the treatment you’ll probably get a localized bump from over mutation of the cells. So here’s my two cents. I know alot of people want this treatment cheap. Pay the money. Look up all the people with botched hair transplants.
@Jake what do you make of topical cetirizine and tissuse sht?
both bs. not s cure.
What do you know of SHT Jake?
also what about Follica? @jake
hey follicle thought I wanted to reply to you. The safety profile of hairclone hasn’t been seen. They use ips cells. They differentiate the cells into ips cells and convert them back into dp cells. So there really is no safety profile. Dont confuse it with dermal sheath cup cells that dont require ips cells. They are two completely different methods.
I think hairclone is as fresh as June 2016 only advance is follicles banking
I think maybe you are confusing HairClone with Stemson Therapeutics? HairClone definitely cultures dermal papilla cells. Also, interested in your reasoning on TissUse SHT.
I leave the debate to your stem cell gurus…Yoda thinks he’ll be six feet under by the time any of this becomes commercially/readily available to the masses. Make sure to hold a séance with me when you guys have full heads of cloned hair! 😉
Hey if some of these age reversal companies put a product on the market you could be in the running too. After all, Yoda lived to be over 900 yrs I believe. ?
Master Yoda I have a question for you. You once told that you were suffering from baldness as early as 17 year old and sticking for treatment available at that particular time helped you keep a good deal of hair. I’m sorry if I sound personal I just want to ask you what do you mean by “good deal”.
No problem Kay…I’m 57 now and no one ever comments on the state of my hair. It looks pretty darn good, although I’ve had my ups and downs over the years and had to tweak my regime. At 57, it looks fairly full, although I have some recession at the temples, probably close to a normal hairline for my age. There is thinning behind the widows peak, that’s my main issue but it get’s covered pretty much by the surrounding hair. Always looking to improve…hope that helps answer your question.
I just came across this study.
“The clinical study showed that total hair count, terminal hair count, and anagen hair count were significantly higher in the CMX group than in the placebo group, which suggested that CMX is an effective treatment for patients with mild to moderate vertex balding. Moreover, the network pharmacology-based approach identified the gene targets of CMX and their potential mechanisms, focusing on the JAK-STAT signalling pathway, which elucidated the underlying mechanisms of CMX. This study suggests that the medicinal herbal extract CMX can be useful in the treatment of mild to moderate vertex balding and results in favorable effects on hair quality that contribute to the VISIBLE IMPROVEMENTS IN HAIR GROWTH observed in treated patients.”
Fill study: https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9717/8/7/767/htm
Is this for Alopecia- areata only or also AGA?
Image of regrowth
Very cool find 2020ornot. I’ll try to take a look at the study later today.
Don’t do it Joe! 🙁 Resist the temptation, you’ll be better for it.
Roeys, HLT and other forums can bring out the worst in people, especially unhappy people that are looking for scapegoats and drag others down into the mud with them. I’ve been reading that forum for years, there were always like that but it seems to have gotten much more prevalent in the past few years. It used to be a lot of good info with a few cranks, not it’s mostly cranks with very little useful info. It’s why I’ve only “lurked” and never posted.
Thank you Yoda for the support like always. All good in the hood right now. 🙂
Sincerely thank you Yoda for answering. I have one last question and I think I should take a suggestion from someone who has been battling hair loss for a long time. I wanted to ask you have you ever considered taking a hair transplant to further help you having a denser looking hair along with your other treatment regime ? If no, then why not ?
I would say the anxiety of hair loss causes people a lot of anguish even to the point of creating nonsensical conspiracy theories on forums. The idea of that rumor is almost laughable because my site has been in the top tier of hair loss sites for years, I don’t need extra publicity. Also, you think J Hewitt would sit there silently the whole time if things were not kosher, like they don’t have google search? (insert laugh emojis) If you think my site sounds weird (lol) check out this article https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/is-the-age-old-quest-for-a-baldness-cure-reaching-its-end and this article https://www.instyle.com/hair/mens-hair-loss-industry-balding. That’s two features in national publications. I’m happy to respond to your query Roeys but within the next few days I will delete it because other people’s delusions have no place on my website. Hope this answer has helped. Cheers
Sure Kay, for me hair transplants are always the option of last resort. In fact Yoda had 2 very small FUT procedures probably about 27 years ago. I can’t remember specifically but I think they were either 150 grafts each or 300 each. The results were fine, the situation was the only thing on the market at that time was 2% minoxidil which initially benefited Yoda but it’s effect started to wane. I was in my late 20’s, started to panic and as a last resort went with surgery. I will say the docs make it seem like a trip to the dentist which it is not. Fortunately not long after finasteride ( I was using oral and topical) and 5% minox became available. That held me until Dr. Lee came out with higher strength versions which kept my hair in good shape until he went out of business. Since then it’s been trial and error with some dark days and I had considered FUE at times. Fortunately I switched to higher powered regimes that at present I’m satisfied. As I say, for me transplants are a last resort…they ain’t a walk in the park, you need to shave your head, there’s an “ugly duckling” phase and the hope you get a good result. Just like looking at ourselves in the mirror concerned about our hair loss, I imagine it might be replaced with “can anyone tell”. Hope that helps Kay.
@ Admin do you know this? Sounds very interesting. Unfortunately its still in Preclinical.
Moogene has 2 drugs in development for Androgenetic Alopecia using new delivery system with Ultrasound and Liposome Microbubbles.
I will check this company out ASAP John Doe, thanks for sharing.
btw .. Triplehair is looking for men to particiate in Phase 3 Trial
Wow, John Doe is on the case…good work my friend! Triple hair looks interesting, another one actually in clinical trials, stage three to boot!
Everyone didn’t miss my article with exclusive content from Triple Hair including before and afters back in April right? https://folliclethought.com/new-company-triple-hair-topical/
Yoda is old, my mind is going, cut me some slack Bro! 😉 Easy to forget with some many things in the piepline.
The slack is there for you bro lol.
Both of those companies seem very promising John Doe. It would be interesting if @admin could find out more about MG-002 which targets the SRD5A2 gene. Never heard of this approach before.
I juz got a reply from tissuse….
Dear Ashish,
Thank you very much for your kind words. This is very encouraging to hear.
We hope that our partners will soon start first clinical trials (after the COVID-19 situation has been resolved) and that the treatment will be available to patients worldwide in the upcoming years.
Stay healthy!
All the best,
The TissUse Team
773 Generation of human hair follicle organoids in vitro and ex vivo by co-culture of primary human hair matrix keratinocytes and dermal papilla fibroblasts
“When HMx and DP spheroids were co-cultured shortly in vitro and then placed into human scalp skin, small HF organoids positive for VERSICAN, K85, and K6 formed during 10 days of organ culture. Thus, the morphogenic potential of isolated human HMx may be used for both, medical HF neogenesis and as a preclinical screening system for testing candidate hair growth-promoting agents in vitro and ex vivo.”
Hello everyone,
Admin, this article is really interesting ! It’s a new study where HMx and DP spheroids were co-cultured shortly in vitro and then placed into human scalp skin !
Thank you for sharing MT! Community is coming through big right now.
I think that it’s the first time that I have seen hair cloning study using actual human skin and not mice ! We’re definitely close !
As a supplement to the study you posted MT, here is a/the related patent (worth reading): https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/b2/a3/da/d47d8344ba17fe/WO2018114504A1.pdf
TLDR Claims:
1. Use of germ cells for preparing a micro hair follicle.
2. […] that the micro hair follicle is capable of renewing.
17. Micro hair follicle […] for treating alopecia.
Also see this prelim study from the same team: https://folliclethought.com/loreal-shares-hair-cloning-poster/
Thanks for sharing Toccata! And a sidenote about any of the research involving L’Oreal and hair follicles, the end game for them is to plug their protocol into Poietis’ specialized 3D printing technology for mass production.
This is not entirely accurate considering Japan as a destination Jan. In US, your prediction is more likely.
Thank you Jan for the kind words. Simply because some people live in and start research in the US and elsewhere ?. They can always do a license or start a subsidiary in Japan at the opportune moment when they’re ready to go.
What do they have to do now to make this commercial?
In a nutshell, further R&D to optimize the culturing process of the hair follicles and then go into a phase 1 trial, etc.
Tissuse is a solid 10 years away especially if they are waiting for covid to go away. Covid will be with us for two years. However, I do believe in tissue technology and they seem legit. The rest of the players are in the drawing board still. Doubt to see them release anything before 2030.
oh what a “surprise” Mjones repeating the same thing over and over again. 2 years for covid, 10 years for Tissuse, 10 years for the rest … quite a seer. please do not come back in 10 years and keep off downloading your frustration with other readers. Thank you!
I appreciate Mjones and Soul, both good posters, I mean that. We can’t be perfect 100% of the time, with the exception of Yoda of course! 😉
Let’s try to get along everybody. Your optimism is appreciated Soul. By the way, I hope to have a some new content for this weekend.
You seem to be a man in the know!
I’m a diffuse thinner who is looking to improve density and thickness. In your opinion, what upcoming treatments should I be excited about?
Also, any idea when we will get an official update from the Tsuji camp?
Keep up the good work! I went back and re-read the post about Triple Hair. I really hope something comes from that.
Just in case you have to wait for Jake, Paul the best options for a diffuse thinner look to be: HairClone injections, Follica, Histogen, and potentially Shiseido/RCH-01 if it works better with multiple injections. Breezula, Follicum, and SM04554 are there as well, I just don’t see them as a definitive step above fin and minox just yet.
Cheers, admin.
I can’t remember what Histogen is, so I’ll look that up. I will be keeping an eye on Hairclone!
As for RCH-01, I thought it was largely written off? Or was that a negative over-reaction from the cynics among us?
Paul, I’d say RCH-01 has a lot to prove, yes. This is why I mentioned multiple injections.
Hello Admin,
As you have mentioned about Breezula, Follicum and SM04554 are not definitive step above fin and minox.. I would like to know the reason behind this.
Are these treatments not safe and effective , compare to fin and minor?
Few other comments I have seen about combining these treatments for most effective results. Would it be not true?
Fin and Min are safe and effective for the vast majority. If people keep waiting for the holy grail the years will go by (at least 2 more) until the next gen treatments are available, you’ll have nothing to loose but time and hair.
This is true, i am checking the efficacy of future products those may be available in market after 2 years.
can you please tell me what means effective to, what can i expect from Treatments like Minoxidil? I read 9 % increase in Density… Does this mean HL is stopped and there is regrowth?
I am usind minox fo 8 years now. i started it using in the beginning of the suffering.After the first two years i stopped because HL didn`t stop and there was only thins reduculos small hair regrowt, but after some months i notice how rapid HL became so i started again till today. Is this ment to be Density increase? Is this the effectivity i can expect from Minox?
Hi Devit, a brief summary of my reasoning is Breezula does not seem as effective as fin but could definitely be a safer replacement with less chance of sexual side effects, SM04554 has shown 9% density improvement at 6 mos which is less than minox usually, and Follicum has not been trialed yet but is likely to be similar to minoxidil. We don’t know yet what kind of synergistic stack can be achieved by using the new drugs combined but for now my point is those 3 topicals alone don’t seem like a big step above the current options. I hope that makes sense.
I get the allure of CB for those who are concerned about sides. However, the logic of why a company would go through the time and expense to bring a drug to market with sub-par to on-par results with what’s already out there is beyond me. I think there’s more to the equation than the info that’s been put forth thus far. Just Yoda’s opinion.
We’ll see how it goes. Phase 3 will hopefully be starting sometime this year.
May be that is the reason Breezula is experimenting with higher doses.
Thanks Admin
Admin Fyi: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41419-018-0765-9
Thanks Irfan, I have a cool interview with the researcher who lead that study. Search for Yuva Biosciences on Follicle Thought.
Did this quote come from a reputable source?
My sentiment is Tsuji and Organ Technologies are very quiet about their true position/progress. They certainly understand the bulk processing need that must be met to turn this technology into a reliable therapy, they are working on that and this is why Kyocera is involved. I don’t think it should or will take 10 yrs for them because I am an optimist, let’s see how it goes.
For Organ Technologies? I can only guess like others but 5 years is possible.
I hope TissUse SHT will, but Organ Technologies is right there as well.
Jan, a full head of hair could come from Stemson, Organ Technologies, L’Oreal, and potentially TissUse.
Admin did you see this video on Stemson?. Its really informative. I think you should add it to your previous Stemson article . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvzlQv7isxc
Thanks Twenty, I had not seen the video previously. I’ll include it in either the original article or an update. By the way, I just heard from the Stemson CEO, however, the news was not optimal. Geoff Hamilton told me that he was a little misquoted in the Atlantic Magazine article and did not intend to say that Stemson would be in clinical trial by early 2021, also he said he will not comment on a timeline at all for now. I hope to check back next year.
well….that is not a good news….means so many years….
Oh, thanks for the update! The delay is not much of a surprise since COVID has delayed virtually everything. I’m still hopeful the will start the trial by the end of 2021.
Yoda. I hope all is well my friend. Do you think follica will cause a shed for diffuse thinners? I’m concerned of the abrasion they will do to the scalp. If you have a bald spot that will be fine since there are no terminal hairs there. What if you are a nw3 have coverage all over but diffuse. I’m a bit concerned doing a full scalp dermabrasion will destroy or shock loss healthy terminal or semi miniature hairs. What do you think? Admin curious about your opinion as well.
Hi MJ…while Yoda is brilliant and all knowing I can’t answer this, I think we’ll need to wait for Follica to divulge the info. My guess they won’t answer these sorts of questions until closer to release.
I got response from Koehler, Karl. He told me that research was done with 100% human stem cells, and they are exploring industry partnerships with different companies, but, however, it will likely be many years before they initiate clinical trial.
so another ten years….
This was mostly known Bryan, there’s always room for improvement in their timeline though.
Completely unrelated, but has anyone tried the Revian Red LLLT? I remember Yoda bringing it up a number of months ago. I’m trying to figure out if they are engaging in fraudulent business practices. They pulled their listing from Amazon meaning there are no user reviews outside of their website and fakespot.com gives them a very unfavorable rating. Hard to say either way, but their (self-sponsored) study did seem to be encouraging. Also, since it’s bound to come up in a response, I’m aware that LLLT has had spurious results for most users.
I was intrigued as it seemed to be a different twist on LLLT. Still, I was neutral to a no before, like you, waiting to see if anything could put me over the edge. Doesn’t sound all that promising with the little bit of info you’ve been able to dig up D1.
Sorry I mean DueDiligence not D1! 🙁
What happened to that cosmetic in LA? @FollicleThought
Same status as before as far as I know D1. I feel a similar interest to it as well, but I think the best option may be to forget about it for now. If I ever get an update on it I will share on the updates feed.
Hi admin I have been following this site since 2018 you were right on many treatments in the past with very reserved opinion and comments so I have more trust in you than any other media, you had very good hope With Breezula but it seems to be fading
Is there any reason? Or you don’t expect any good topical? Thank for your invaluable work
Thank you Kapol. Breezula first published 6 months results that they claimed were better than finasteride. Since then, their 12 month data seemed to be slightly underwhelming, not a dud, but not spectacular. I still think it will be a valuable product, but not a super step up from finasteride apparently like we would hope it was.
I think absolutely there will be a good topical in the future. I’m interested in Kintor Pharma’s androgen receptor drug at the moment.
Thanks ,any news from Kintor side?
All potentional stem cell treatments will be extremely expensive for ordinary Joe. At least first 10 years. For example look at the dentistry industry. There are very good solutions for people who have bad teeth, missing teeth or whatever, but very big part of population walk with bad teeth, because it is still very expensive for them.
Any updates on Hairclone? They recently tweeted about a receiving a grant to continue research. I think pre covid they had plans of releasing their injectable dermal papilla in 2020
For now the new plans is q2 2021
That sounds right and I will reach out for a word from Paul next week on HairClone progress.
From Hairclones Twitter: ‘Very happy to have been awarded a “Covid Continuity” grant from InnovateUK. This was very competitive and we were judged on
The quality of our ongoing project and satisfaction with progress as well as their judgement on our potential for the future. Great 3rd party validation’
Hairclone not meant to be a cure .you can compere it to propicia and minx but with a safety profile.
The treatment proposed by Hairclone can be a cure if the mechanism of action they suggest is true. Hairclone wants to revive dying follicles by replacing DHT sensitive dermal papilla cells by non DHT sensitive dermal papilla cells. With the progression of hair loss and with further injections, the dermal papilla cells will be replaced by non DHT ones and therefore, your hairs will act like the ones behind the scalp. If it works as they suggest, it’ll therefore be permanent (contrary to finasteride and minoxidil).
Jan, after patients get treated with HairClone injections and we follow their progress over 1.5 yrs or so we will have a better idea..
Jan Miedza hop on the big 3 my friend. Dont wait for these potential cures to be available anytime soon. Not saying this to be pessimistic but to be proactive. Look at Stemson. There own ceo said trials wont start in 2021 and gave no timeline. Many people thought they were ready to start trials. If you have a good amount of hair left nw1 to nw4, then start big 3. Its the smartest and best thing you can do. These cloning cures are still in their infancy. Trust me, I’ve been following hair loss research since 2001. I think yoda will tell you the same. I just dont see us going from propecia rogaine to full out hair loss cure as a next step. I see it being follica SM CB for 2020s. Maybe hair clone 2020s. Loreal, stemson tissue as next generation in 2030s. I think they have a solid idea now of what works and will use the next 10 yrs to perfect the cloning technique and safety for a release later this decade or 2030s.
yes yes but why don’t you comment elsewhere ??? but who are you to say this ??? what do you think searches have been stopping for some time ?? your frustration take it elsewhere !!! if you allow listening to a person as a researcher jake … than a person like you who knows nothing !!!
It’s just his opinion tire, he didn’t say it was a fact or that he “read’ it somewhere. I tend to mostly agree with MJones sentiment, just my opinion.
OK, but please try to reference my comment accurately Mjones. I did not say that Geoff told me trials won’t start in 2021, I said Geoff told me trials won’t start in early 2021. We don’t know when trials will start but let’s keep things accurate in the time being.
Yes, Yoda agrees with MJones’ advice 100%!
Tire50 relax bro 🙂 I am trying to help people here so they take advantage of current treatments like the big 3 and not sit around for hair cloning and in the meantime go from nw1 to nw4. Big 3 saved my butt all these years. Its losing effectiveness the past few years but for 13 straight years it held my hair solid. I could have been like most people on here and not use big 3 and wait for cloning. In 2001 they said cloning was 5 years away lol. Be smart and use what’s available.
Sorry for the mixup admin:) however when the ceo said it wont start in early 2021 and that he doesn’t have an accurate timeframe that is not a good sign. It’s like when you were a kid and you asked your mom to buy you ice cream and she goes not dear but maybe later ..lol we all know maybe later was never haha. Not saying stemson will never release but we know the long duration these hair loss companies put us through.
Yoda thanks for the support. I wish more of the newbies would take our advice:)
All good Mjones.
Just depends on how one defines “cure”. Unfortunately if you’re waiting for something that will give an NW7 a full head of hair with a few injections you are probably right. The good news, or hope, is that there will be incremental treatments along the way that offer enhanced results with a lower chance of side effects for most of the population.
I’ll be honest Jan, you don’t know what the future holds and neither do I. At least 2 companies are imminent for clinical trials in Japan where a therapy could become “market available” in around 2 years after trials started. For these cloning therapies there are components of the treatment that need to be sorted like mass production etc., but 2030 is a long ways away. These are legitimate contenders. My question is why are you so eager for someone to tell you that you’re right and there is no hope for 10 years. It’s an objectively false statement.
If you want something similar to what Ken Washenik was working on with ARI, it’ll maybe possible with Hairclone next year under the UK’s MHRA “Specials” exemption.
You can read more about this in the interview with Paul Kemp.
It is great to see the optimism of the admin doesn’t get shaken with all the negativity (no offence to anyone) of some people around here. There are many big hair researchers and data which will tell you that the 2 decades (2000-2010,2011-2020) have gone by in studying and understanding hair physiology in much better way than it was in 2001 Mjones. There are many companies and various new approaches that are being tried to understand and combat hair loss. We can really hope for something big later this decade and somewhere around 2025 we can expect something big unlike in years 2001. I respect everyone’s opinion but I want to say above all we must not lose hope.
Thank you Kay, it’s nice to read your intellectual comment as well. You are indeed correct that the level of understanding and competence of the scientific hair community is much different now than it was in 2001 and many advances have been made in cloning from 2010 even. I agree with your estimations regarding some breakthroughs as well, cheers. And yes, my optimism stays firm because I take into account scientific progress and the potential of multiple companies working on the same goal.
Just letting you know jan, continuous cynicism and negativity (aka trolling) is not encouraged or allowed on Follicle Thought. Just a heads up. I certainly don’t mind people having their own opinions, there is a difference when it comes to trolling.
admin sorry
Okay thanks jan, your opinion has been shared, no need to keep repeating it. By the way, sharing toxic false rumors and defamation here is a quick way to get banned, another FYI.
There’s one thing im really not understanding in the hair clone bizz. From what I understand now, the technology is readily available, even on humans, the only problem is that the hairs do not grow in the direction they are expected to.
In that sense, wouldn’t it just be easy to have those cloned hairs implanted on a different body part and have a surgeon FUE them from that body part, onto the scalp, in the right direction? the scars could easily be covered with a tattoo…
What am I missing here?
envy where did You get this information from that the yechnology is ready for humans? as far as i know even Tsuji didnt start human trials….
at the 2:30 mark. I’ve read about it elsewhere where they were talking about addressing the issue by micro 3 printing some sort of support tools that would adjust the direction, which really sounds like over complicating the solution.
Envy i was asking about human trial, where did You get that was a human trial?
I wouldn’t say most of the cloning therapies are readily available to go for humans, I think some of them have a little refinement to do before it’s ready to put to the test in a trial. Funding, for sure, would speed up things for all companies.
dude basically confirmed in the video that it was also done on humans…
im gonna give you a transcript since for whatever reason you can’t catch it in the video “it showed promise on mice (…) it just didn’t work out so well when it was human into human, for some reason the hair grew in the wrong direction”
What more do you want?
so what is the main problem left with tsuji treatment? what else should he do?
I believe they are in the process of working towards consistent terminal hair follicles to grow in the lab from all-human cells. That was the last I remember when they published some work with mouse cells. When the all human cell version is ready I would think they will go into human trials.
roey where did you get this 150 per square from?
That’s an interesting concept envy, I know a lot of patients would be interested in this approach but the scientists and companies probably want something a little more refined before implementing into humans. Cheers on the ingenuity.
Admin did human trials start ( i am asking about DR TSUJI)?
When you transplant hair from the back of the head to your hairline, that hair will also start to fall out but not immediately. It will take 1-5 years on average. admin what do You think about it? will cloned hair from back of the head will fall out? maybe we should repeat procedure of hair cloning every 5 years?
Even if this cloning happens one day, and even assuming that the finances will allow, there is still a fear that it will be a density of matches stuck in shit (and certainly medical linear terror), because even the highest possible HT density, often not gives the effect of natural density, and I’m not the only one talking about it, because someone there thinks the same, and the rest of the way, don’t think so, since these are the facts.
With the hair cloning u can transplant 150 hair per squere .(tsuji made it possible)
Already done on mice
where did you get this 150 per square from?
i asked him the same question
Its was the amount the put in the mouse in the expriment they did back then..
They can actually do even more
“I believe they are in the process of working towards consistent terminal hair follicles to grow in the lab from all-human cells. That was the last I remember when they published some work with mouse cells. When the all human cell version is ready I would think they will go into human trials.”
Admin were there any problems with it?
Hi jan, when Tsuji put out his last study, which I believe was in 2018 I remember there being a quote about his lab moving on to further preclinical research and then hoping for a human trial after that. My estimation is that the preclinical work they were referring to was all-human cell follicle research. There has not been an update since as this company is very tight-lipped about their progress. Since there has been no formal announcement of a human trial I believe they are still working on their human follicle production.
Admin what about hair thickness after cloning? will it stay the same as the original or will it be possible to grow thicker hair?
I’m not quite sure what you mean jan, hair follicles typically can be given a boost when certain drugs are added to them but I don’t think that will be a big issue. I think the may focus is to create cloned follicles which are proper terminal thickness and just go from there and enjoy them.
Admin maybe Dr. Koehler should look for clinical trial partners in Japan?
$50k for a new head of hair would be a good deal, no?
50k$ in my opinion is a very god price Admin
$50k would be very high price for most, I believe.
jan, it seems you were not able to understand what I meant previously when I said your point had been made and no need to keep repeating it in the thread. Unfortunately these comments are no longer welcome here, everyone already knows that there is work to be done in cloning and no one has said it would be available next year, but the future is wide open, no one knows how the next years will go. If you have something valuable to contribute to the others in the audience those comments will be permitted. Thank you for following the guidelines of this community.
admin how will hair clone tsuji look like? hair will be bred and then grafted?
There will be another two lectures in august given by Takashi Tsuji in a free Zoom conference:
Can you please ask the Japanese Youtuber or Fuji Maru Kagurazaka to join this and share the content with us?
Lecture No 1
8/25 ADJ Online New Product Presentation
Updated: July 15, 2020
Seminar ID: 5291311
Date: August 25, 2020 10:30-12:30
Location: Online
Lecturer: Takashi Tsuji, Team Leader, Organ Induction Research Team, Center for Biofunctional Sciences, RIKEN
Lecture No 2
[Second day] Thursday, August 27
23. Special Lecture 3. 15:15 ~ 16:15 Takashi Tsuji
Toward the realization of hair follicle regenerative medicine as next-generation organ regenerative medicine
Yes, will do. Thanks JK
Thank you for your inquiry.
Kyocera’s R&D deveropment headquaters.
Hair follicle multiplication clinical
The plan scheduled to start in 2020 but research is delayed.
Drug approval Japan is still expected.
We will contact you again after the clinical trial results
at the university hospital.
Best regards!
Which drug approval r they talking bout?
Hey Ak, where did u get this information
Thanks for sharing Ak, I have no idea what drug approval they are talking about. Perhaps they mean that the therapy approval is still expected in due time.
what’s the background of this respone by kyocera?
Hey Jk, they have this inquiry portal on the official kyocera website and they mailed me back
Hey Ak, have u asked them what the drug is?
A new drug? or it’s just a miswriting, which the drug still means the hair follicle cloning technology?
Nope…i dont think theyll reply again!
AK at least try….
Admin, Dr Koehler’s concern about Immune rejection could possibly be remedied with a nano electroporation device, this lab has found a way to turn skin cells directly into other types of cells, directly without using pluripotent stem cells. It might be possible to inject Dr Koehler’s growth factors directly into the skin cells in his hairy lab grown skin to bypass immune rejection from the body. The lead of this lab is Dr. Chandan Sen
Thanks for the idea Dark Prince. I will take a look.
kintor is having phase 3 discussions already for their AGA drug
Thanks Jim, that’s great news.
I like this news. thanks for the update FT! 🙂
competition between party’s is forming for actual hair follicle cloning and we are watching it play out. This is exciting!
Look at this, great news! Wasn’t expecting that since he downplayed the importance of it a little in the stemcellpodcast. Very exciting! Having Harvard involved is never a bad thing I think.
@Admin, thanks for the update. This approach and the stemson approach are the same right??
Similar concepts, not the same Shayak. Thanks
Really thank you for this, among all the possible “big” approaches what do you think we will get\see first? and when?
@Folliclethought could they do this trial in japan?
Meaning could they do it and get the faster regulatory pathway? I’m not sure D1, I’ll try to find out, though.
It’s not really possible to guess which one will get on market first. Guessing which one will make a human trial is a little easier to guess. That could be either Stemson or Tissuse SHT.
@Folliclethought Tissuse hasnt made any progress for years
They were very close to clinical trial in Japan in 2019, but things turned out unexpected.
Wow! Well that was not expected. It turns out that DR Sinclair may be seriously pursuing this after all. Thanks for the update FT.
You’re welcome Twenti. Also, who didn’t think he was seriously pursuing this? The man is connected to a very large biotech company (Life Biosciences) that would absolutely love to commercialize any working therapy they can.
To be honest I thought he wasn’t serious too. It seemed like in the one post you had he was just mentioning it as a byproduct of another project.. like oh that happened. I’m obviously wrong but I am more optimistic than most other posters lol and check this site semi regularly and feel positive about most of what I see. And I definitely was kind of bummed out like damn too bad this guy isn’t going to focus on this. So this was awesome unexpected news. To me.
Yup, you summed up how I was also initially feeling versus now.
I maybe should have included some other tweets from David Sinclair that day when he responded to me.
One guy replied to D.S.: “I’ve been hearing about the cure for baldness since 1990. All my bald brethren, don’t get excited it’s not happening.”
D.S.’s reply: “What they said just before antibiotics or powered flight. The technological past doesn’t predict the future. Hang in there. I’ve got some of our best people working on it haha”
Another user response to D.S.: “Please make this happen sooner than later”
D.S.: “Working on it”
I knew from these responses that if Sinclair can make this work, he’s going to make this work or do his darndest.
Looks like things are finally starting to move with COVID slowing. Though itll be a while for their next update, I hope they make some fat strides.
Lovely update. Thanks admin!
“I’ve been hearing about the cure for baldness since 1990. All my bald brethren, don’t get excited it’s not happening.” This guy must be reading Yoda’s mind, however I don’t agree with his statement that “it’s not happening”. It may happen, it may not and if we are fortunate that it does happen my best guess is that it’s years away. Hope it does happen of course, better that it’s in the hopper than not. I still remain more excited about treatments in phase 2 or 3 human clinical trials and the treatments we have available now, which we learn new variations of same, e.g. oral minox, topical dut, etc.
There are many companies ready for phase 3 study in fact they are in that position last four or five years but no progress
Some others have market ready stuff but they don’t want give it to you because it is very secretive I have no faith in any of them
Cure will happen something simple and affordable will come to market one day, will see that for sure .companies dragging their feet towards end have nothing worth to show
It’ll probably be the Chinese who cure it. Who knows?
In case anyone was wondering, remembers or give a crap Yoda has been weaning himself off oral dut for a few months, moving to topical. I’ve was on fin since the mid 90’s and switched to dut about 5 years ago. I’m now down to oral dut once a week and will stay there for a while. I use topical dut 0.5% once a day and my pm minox has 0.1% dut as well. Thus far I’ve not noticed any increased shedding. Sometimes I think my hair looks better, other times worse so it’s probably the same, my girlfriend seems to think so. Maybe my imagination but my “brain fog” does seem to have lessened. When I first started to wean I had some anxiety set in, not sure if that was related, these drugs do work on a hormonal level. That being said, if I lost or start to loose ground while being off oral I’d hop back on in a heartbeat. As the kids say…Yoda Out!
Kintor Pharmaceutical Announced U.S. FDA Has Greenlighted Phase II Clinical Trial for Pyrilutamide to Treat Androgenetic Alopecia
^ https://en.kintor.com.cn/news/180.html